Magic Runes are obtained by giving a Bracken Seed to the Old Hermit at the island in the lake southwest of Lerilin. You can turn in one to Opal at the Inn in Mirith for a Sack of Spice and 200 experience points. Wilem at the Blacksmith in Duldrus no longer accepts a Magic Rune in exchange for a Ruby Heart as he is only interested in Golden Scales these days for a new weapon he is smithing.
Rune of Magic.
* It means the communication to the Otherside.
* Its original owner is unknown.
* Its current owner is Arachne Solara
Magic Runes are obtained by giving a Bracken Seed to the Old Hermit at the island in the lake southwest of Lerilin. You can turn in one to Opal at the Inn in Mirith for a Sack of Spice and 200 experience points. Wilem at the Blacksmith in Duldrus no longer accepts a Magic Rune in exchange for a Ruby Heart as he is only interested in Golden Scales these days for a new weapon he is smithing.
Rune of Magic.
* It means the communication to the Otherside.
* Its original owner is unknown.
* Its current owner is Arachne Solara