Talaria has an appreciation for logic and reason that Prowl and Shockwave would greatly respect. She rejects the autocratic rule of the Astrologer priests for what it really is: religious enslavement that is driving their people to starvation and trapping them on an island surrounded by electric lava. Talaria knows that they can head to one of the other islands for a better life, and is not above an insurrection to achieve her goals.
Attributes | Values |
| - Talaria
- Talaria
- Talaria
- Talaria
| - thumb|TalariaTalaria - w sztuce starożytnej małe skrzydła przymocowane do kostki Merkurego (Hermesa) i Perseusza. Czasem wyglądają jakby wyrastały z kostek, kiedy indziej są przymocowane do sandałów. Ten sam atrybut występuje też u Minerwy, córki Jowisza. Kategoria:Słownik Kategoria:Przedmioty i urządzenia Kategoria:Starożytność Kategoria:Stroje tradycyjne i historyczne Kategoria:Mity greckie i rzymskie
- Talaria has an appreciation for logic and reason that Prowl and Shockwave would greatly respect. She rejects the autocratic rule of the Astrologer priests for what it really is: religious enslavement that is driving their people to starvation and trapping them on an island surrounded by electric lava. Talaria knows that they can head to one of the other islands for a better life, and is not above an insurrection to achieve her goals.
- Satellites Location: Milky Way / Hades Nexus / Hoplos System / First planet Prerequisite: Firewalker Pack (Mass Effect 2) Prerequisite: Priority: Rannoch (Mass Effect 3)
- Talaria has an appreciation for logic and reason that Skyfire and Shockwave would greatly respect. She rejects the autocratic rule of the Astrologer priests for what it really is: religious enslavement that is driving their people to starvation and trapping them on an island surrounded by electric lava. Talaria knows that they can head to one of the other islands for a better life, and is not above an insurrection to achieve her goals. She also has even less modesty than the women of Nebulos. Wow.
- Talaria, ein Gesteinsplanet, dessen Spuren von Atmosphäre restlos verbrannt sind, umkreist den Stern Hoplos mit einer unfassbaren Geschwindigkeit, nämlich einmal alle 36 Tage. Obwohl mit gebundener Rotation, sind sogar seine Licht-Schatten-Grenze und seine dunkle Seite zu unwirtlich für Leben. Da sein Schwesterplanet Trident über Unmengen von Ressourcen verfügt, wurde Talaria von den galaktischen Erschließungsinteressen bisher fast vollständig ignoriert.
- thumb|TalariaLe rocher dépourvu d'atmosphère qu'est Talaria effectue une révolution autour d'Hoplos en 36 jours seulement. Malgré son orbite synchrone, même son terminateur et sa face ombragée sont trop stériles pour accueillir la vie. Compte tenu des ressources abondantes de sa soeur Trident, Talaria n'a suscité que très peu d'intérêt dans la communauté galactique.
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- 2(xsd:integer)
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- 1(xsd:integer)
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- 1(xsd:integer)
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| - Planet View
- Planetenansicht
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| - 0(xsd:double)
- 1(xsd:integer)
| - thumb|TalariaLe rocher dépourvu d'atmosphère qu'est Talaria effectue une révolution autour d'Hoplos en 36 jours seulement. Malgré son orbite synchrone, même son terminateur et sa face ombragée sont trop stériles pour accueillir la vie. Compte tenu des ressources abondantes de sa soeur Trident, Talaria n'a suscité que très peu d'intérêt dans la communauté galactique.
* Demi-grand axe : 0.1 UA
* Période de révolution : 0.1 année terrestre
* Rayon : 3 569 km
* Période de rotation : 0.1 année terrestres
* Pression atmosphérique : extrêmement basse
* Température en surface : 908°C (moyenne)
* Pesanteur en surface : 0.2 g
- thumb|TalariaTalaria - w sztuce starożytnej małe skrzydła przymocowane do kostki Merkurego (Hermesa) i Perseusza. Czasem wyglądają jakby wyrastały z kostek, kiedy indziej są przymocowane do sandałów. Ten sam atrybut występuje też u Minerwy, córki Jowisza. Kategoria:Słownik Kategoria:Przedmioty i urządzenia Kategoria:Starożytność Kategoria:Stroje tradycyjne i historyczne Kategoria:Mity greckie i rzymskie
- Talaria has an appreciation for logic and reason that Prowl and Shockwave would greatly respect. She rejects the autocratic rule of the Astrologer priests for what it really is: religious enslavement that is driving their people to starvation and trapping them on an island surrounded by electric lava. Talaria knows that they can head to one of the other islands for a better life, and is not above an insurrection to achieve her goals.
- Satellites Location: Milky Way / Hades Nexus / Hoplos System / First planet Prerequisite: Firewalker Pack (Mass Effect 2) Prerequisite: Priority: Rannoch (Mass Effect 3)
- Talaria has an appreciation for logic and reason that Skyfire and Shockwave would greatly respect. She rejects the autocratic rule of the Astrologer priests for what it really is: religious enslavement that is driving their people to starvation and trapping them on an island surrounded by electric lava. Talaria knows that they can head to one of the other islands for a better life, and is not above an insurrection to achieve her goals. She also has even less modesty than the women of Nebulos. Wow.
- Talaria, ein Gesteinsplanet, dessen Spuren von Atmosphäre restlos verbrannt sind, umkreist den Stern Hoplos mit einer unfassbaren Geschwindigkeit, nämlich einmal alle 36 Tage. Obwohl mit gebundener Rotation, sind sogar seine Licht-Schatten-Grenze und seine dunkle Seite zu unwirtlich für Leben. Da sein Schwesterplanet Trident über Unmengen von Ressourcen verfügt, wurde Talaria von den galaktischen Erschließungsinteressen bisher fast vollständig ignoriert.