| - Average Height: 3'4"-3'8" Average Weight: 40-55 lb. Ability Scores: +2 Dexterity; +2 Wisdom or +2 Charisma Size: Small Speed: 6 squares Vision: Low-light vision languages: Common, Goblin Skill Bonuses: +2 Thievery, +2 Stealth Goblin Reflexes: You gain a + 1 racial bonus to Reflex. Goblin Tactics: You have the Goblin tactics power Immediate Reaction Personal Trigger: You are missed by a melee attack. Effect: You shift 1 square.
- Since the God Wars, goblins are divided into surface goblins and cave goblins. Surface goblins are found in numerous places all over Gielinor, with only humans being more widespread. Goblins can be found in Misthalin, Asgarnia and Kandarin with small populations found elsewhere. Following the commandments of Bandos, whom they refer to as "Big High War God," most goblins try to live an unthinking life of fighting, wars, and bloodshed. As a result, modern day goblins are simple-minded, warlike, easily controlled, (most likely due to their enslavement by Bandos), although this was not originally the case, and they have been used as basic foot soldiers by many different entities throughout Gielinor's history. The most notable modern-day exception are the Dorgeshuun tribe, also known as the cave goblins, who are educated, civilized, and peace-loving.