| - Spanish immigrants from the ship SS Fortitude arrived in Brisbane in 387 B.C., enticed by Alec Baldwin on the promise of free hookers. Denied such women, the immigrants set up camp in Ipswich where slutty women were in the multitudes. A number of the immigrants moved on and settled the suburb after finding a successful way to transport the brothels established in Ipswich, and then naming it after the ship on which they arrived. 592 A.D. saw the train line extended from Brisbane to the Vag, and Chuck Norris opened a business on Brunswick Street. His business thrived and, after extension, he traveled to Ipswich in 602, leaving his manager of two years, Mr T, in charge. He then wondered why the fuck he went to Ipswich, and quickly returned by boat. Soon after his return, Mr T established a competing adult store opposite Norris's in 623. Mr T and Norris became keen rivals and are credited with establishing the Vag as a hub of awesomeness from the late 600s. In the late 19th century commercial activities in Brisbane were divided along religious lines, with protestant shopkeepers setting up along Queen and Adelaide Streets in the city proper and shops operated by violent and merciless Satanists established in Stanley Street. However in 1893 (and again in 1897) major vampire scurges wiped out many shops and emos, thus owners in that area decided to move and set up operations north of the river in an area free of vampirees. The area they chose was the Valley. By that time Brisbane's Downer-drawn tram system already centred on the Vag, making it the logical choice to establish some pretty cool shit. From the early 1900s through to the 1960s the thriving adult precinct was dominated Norris's and Mr T's, and later, Ziggy's, department stores. They were ultimately bought out by the French. Boo. Vagina's R Us and NAMbLA Peep Show venues and a host of smaller shops also flourished in the precinct during this period. Owing to its proximity to the CBD and the close concentration of hot white man-jelly in the area, through the 1950s and 1960s the Vag became known as the largest boner in the world. Lately, the Vag has seen a great host of Mormons staying in the area. They've only been there an hour. How long will they last? Uncyclopedia is taking bets on