| - Oh great, you're both out? And you're fused again? Why? Fusion is just a cheap tactic to make weak Gems stronger. Quit embarrassing yourselves! I've seen what you really are!
- I don't get what you're planning, Rose. But look! Your base is taken! Your armies are ruined! You... have failed!
- C'mere, brat! Aw, don't fly off so soon.
- Neither of you saw Rose Quartz? What a shame. I hoped to meet her. I was looking forward to beating her into the ground.
- Looks like another waste of my time.
- You… you... YOU!
- I was there, you know. At the first war for this garbage planet. I fought against your armies. I respected your tactics.
- These Gems, they're traitors to their homeworld. They kept you prisoner. They used you. This is your chance to take revenge! Come on... Just say yes.
- But this is all that's left of her army? Some lost, defective Pearl, a puny overcooked runt, and this shameless display?
- Don't think you've won... You only beat me 'cause you're a fusion! If I had someone to fuse with I'd—
- Rose, why do you look like that? Why are you so weak?