| - Chani was born in 10177 in Sietch Tabr/DE, the daughter of the secret leader of the Fremen/DE Liet-Kynes/DE, and Falra. Stilgar/DE and his wife Misra stood as her godparents and performed the Water of Conception ritual for her. Her father was mostly out, and sometimes had to steal some days from his work at the palmaries to visit her. Her father occasionally took her to the planting sites and tutored her about his work. He was very proud of her quick intellect. Liet however did not wish for Chani to inherit him as an Imperial servant and have a double life like him, and decided that she'd live entirely as a Fremen. Chani was raised mostly by Falra, with some assistance from Misra and the other woman. She was only 3 years old when Falra was killed ina rockslide and Chani was taken into Stilgar's household and soon became a part of the Naib's family. She attended the spirit-releasing ceremony without weeping. By the age of 5 Chani was helping at the sietch gardens, captured sandtrout/DE for the deathstill, or dispatched enemy wounded after battles. Later she learned to perform occupation she would be required to now as an adult, like weaving, to making coffee, making and mending stillsuit/DE. Chani was in a small group of girls in their puberty who retreated with Reverend Mother/DE Ramallo. On their last day the group went on a hajra to one of the tribal holding basins. They seated around Ramallo, altered a small quantity of the Water of Life/DE and bid each of them drink from it. Then, as the girls entered the drug-induced trance, Ramallo told them that the basin held the future life of their people, and each of them held a small portion of that in their bodies. The talk relaxed them, as their minds pondered the future of their tribe, and Ramallo (already in an advanced age and without an apprentice) probed for the one who would take her place, and it was Chani who demonstrated the most necessary traits: compassion, intelligence and courage, conscious of her own mortality while discounting it for their people. Chani was initiated in the following tribal assembly, and returned to Tabr, 3 months before the war that erupted on Arrakis.