Arthur C. Eos (A. C. Eos), known as Akatsuki Shidō (暁シドウ Akatsuki Shidō?) in Japan and often referred to by the nickname Ace, is the deuteragonist of Mega Man Star Force 3. Ace is a Satella Police Commandos officer that can EM Wave Change with his Wizard, Acid, to become Acid Ace. The two are registered under the Satella Police's Project TC as No. 001. He is the creator of the Hunter-VG, which allows Wizards to materialize. Due to Acid being a man-made Wizard and not a natural EM Being, his EM Wave Change puts a tremendous strain on Ace's body to the point where Acid will voluntarily revert the transformation in order to protect Ace.
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| - Arthur C. Eos (A. C. Eos), known as Akatsuki Shidō (暁シドウ Akatsuki Shidō?) in Japan and often referred to by the nickname Ace, is the deuteragonist of Mega Man Star Force 3. Ace is a Satella Police Commandos officer that can EM Wave Change with his Wizard, Acid, to become Acid Ace. The two are registered under the Satella Police's Project TC as No. 001. He is the creator of the Hunter-VG, which allows Wizards to materialize. Due to Acid being a man-made Wizard and not a natural EM Being, his EM Wave Change puts a tremendous strain on Ace's body to the point where Acid will voluntarily revert the transformation in order to protect Ace.
- Athumb|314px|A.C. Eosrthur C. Eos '('AC Eos), conocido como Shido Akatusuki' ( 暁シドウ? ) en Japón y referido a menudo por el apodo de Ace , es un Policia Satella oficial Commandos. Él puede ser un EM Wave Change con su asistente, Acid, para convertirse en Acid Ace. Los dos están registrados bajo la Policía Satella de Proyecto TC como el No. 001. Él es el creador de lso Hunter VG, que permite Wizards a materializarse. Debido a que Acid es un asistente artificial y no natural ser EM.
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| - Arthur C. Eos (A. C. Eos), known as Akatsuki Shidō (暁シドウ Akatsuki Shidō?) in Japan and often referred to by the nickname Ace, is the deuteragonist of Mega Man Star Force 3. Ace is a Satella Police Commandos officer that can EM Wave Change with his Wizard, Acid, to become Acid Ace. The two are registered under the Satella Police's Project TC as No. 001. He is the creator of the Hunter-VG, which allows Wizards to materialize. Due to Acid being a man-made Wizard and not a natural EM Being, his EM Wave Change puts a tremendous strain on Ace's body to the point where Acid will voluntarily revert the transformation in order to protect Ace.
- Athumb|314px|A.C. Eosrthur C. Eos '('AC Eos), conocido como Shido Akatusuki' ( 暁シドウ? ) en Japón y referido a menudo por el apodo de Ace , es un Policia Satella oficial Commandos. Él puede ser un EM Wave Change con su asistente, Acid, para convertirse en Acid Ace. Los dos están registrados bajo la Policía Satella de Proyecto TC como el No. 001. Él es el creador de lso Hunter VG, que permite Wizards a materializarse. Debido a que Acid es un asistente artificial y no natural ser EM.
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