| - Hosni MuBaraq Saddam Hussein Osama bin Laden (also known as Barack Obama, or, in more informed circles, "B. Hussein-Osama") is the "President for Life" of the United States. He personally prefers to be called the Irish nickname "O'Bama". On February 10, 2007 in Springfield, Illinois, Baraq Hussein Osama announced his intention to win the 2008 presidential election by any unethical means necessary. It is believed that he may have been sent by George Bush to take the blame before George W. Bush junior junior takes office to invade the British (cause that's where Bin Laden is "gonna be").
| - Hosni MuBaraq Saddam Hussein Osama bin Laden (also known as Barack Obama, or, in more informed circles, "B. Hussein-Osama") is the "President for Life" of the United States. He personally prefers to be called the Irish nickname "O'Bama". In 1996, he was elected as a Muslim Defeatocrat to the Illinois state senate. His record shows that his tenure in this office (under the Clinton administration) is when his father, Osama bin Laden, was able to turn him over to the dark side. It was in December of 2004, one month after Osama cheated his way into the U.S. Senate, that honorable news journalist Geraldo Rivera was able to release substantial evidence that supported the universally accepted theory that Osama was the individual that convinced president Bill Clinton not to kill his father, who as we mentioned before is Osama bin Laden, thus is single-handedly responsible for the 9/11 attacks. On February 10, 2007 in Springfield, Illinois, Baraq Hussein Osama announced his intention to win the 2008 presidential election by any unethical means necessary. It is believed that he may have been sent by George Bush to take the blame before George W. Bush junior junior takes office to invade the British (cause that's where Bin Laden is "gonna be").