Tiff the Black Knight is a 2011 2D-animated action-adventure, fantasy and comedy film produced by 4Kids Entertainment and it released by MediaCorp Raintree Pictures. Directed and story by Nabil Makalam and Alfred R. Khan, the film here is been focused to Tiff (Kerry Williams), who want to become a great warrior like Kirby. And she meet new friends and new faces like Dexter (Candi Milo), The Edd Brothers (Matt Hill, Samuel Vincent and Tony Sampson), Vilgax (Steven Jay Blum), and many more to meet
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| - Tiff the Black Knight (2011 film)
| - Tiff the Black Knight is a 2011 2D-animated action-adventure, fantasy and comedy film produced by 4Kids Entertainment and it released by MediaCorp Raintree Pictures. Directed and story by Nabil Makalam and Alfred R. Khan, the film here is been focused to Tiff (Kerry Williams), who want to become a great warrior like Kirby. And she meet new friends and new faces like Dexter (Candi Milo), The Edd Brothers (Matt Hill, Samuel Vincent and Tony Sampson), Vilgax (Steven Jay Blum), and many more to meet
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| - And other crossovers
- Tiff from Kirby Right back at Ya!
by Nintendo
- "Tiff the Black Knight" Fan-fiction
by Thomas Chandler
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Row 1 info
| - Aaron Horvath
- Alfred R. Khan
- Nabil Makalam
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Row 2 info
| - Pete Docter
- Shuki Levy
- Norman J. Grossfeld
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| - 2011-04-16(xsd:date)
- 2011-06-25(xsd:date)
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Row 3 info
| - Nabil Makalam
- Thomas Chandler
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| - Official Deviantart Poster
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| - Tiff the Black Knight is a 2011 2D-animated action-adventure, fantasy and comedy film produced by 4Kids Entertainment and it released by MediaCorp Raintree Pictures. Directed and story by Nabil Makalam and Alfred R. Khan, the film here is been focused to Tiff (Kerry Williams), who want to become a great warrior like Kirby. And she meet new friends and new faces like Dexter (Candi Milo), The Edd Brothers (Matt Hill, Samuel Vincent and Tony Sampson), Vilgax (Steven Jay Blum), and many more to meet This film is based on Thomas Chandler's Discontinued Story "Tiff the Black Knight" and it's been crossover between "Kirby Right Back at Ya!" (without Kirby), "The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy" (Billy, Mandy and Grim), Digimon Tamers (Rika and Renamon) and many more Appeareance And according to Nabil, this film will be produced continueitly with TMan5636's story with his own Story to the End