Shadowhunters is an American fantasy television series based on The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare, and developed for television by Ed Decter. It premiered on January 12, 2016.
Le Wiki Shadowhunters est un wiki consacré à The Mortal Instruments, livre de Cassandra Clare.
Shadowhunters is an American fantasy television series based on The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare, and developed for television by Ed Decter. It premiered on January 12, 2016.
Sadowhunters ist die TV-Serie die auf der Buchreihe Chroniken der Unterwelt basiert.
Shadowhunters, also known as Nephilim, are a secretive race of beings who are humans born with angel blood. They have fought [demons and lived alongside Downworlders in the Shadow World for well over a thousand years, creating their own culture and civilization within human society. Their mandate is to keep the peace in the Shadow World and keep it hidden from the mundane world while protecting the inhabitants of both worlds.