Umineko no Naku Koro ni Episode R: Radio of the Golden Witch is an Internet radio show. It aired ten episodes between August 26, 2009 and January 13, 2010. Produced by Animate TV, the show was hosted by Sayaka Ohara (Beatrice) and featured numerous guests who were also voice actors from the anime such as Daisuke Ono (Battler Ushiromiya) and Marina Inoue (Jessica). A special episode was later aired on April 28, 2010 featuring Rina Satō (Ange Ushiromiya) and Ryukishi07 as guests. Two CD compilation volumes containing two CDs each were released on December 23, 2009 and January 27, 2010 compiling the ten main episodes.
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| - Umineko no Naku Koro ni Episode R: Radio of the Golden Witch
| - Umineko no Naku Koro ni Episode R: Radio of the Golden Witch is an Internet radio show. It aired ten episodes between August 26, 2009 and January 13, 2010. Produced by Animate TV, the show was hosted by Sayaka Ohara (Beatrice) and featured numerous guests who were also voice actors from the anime such as Daisuke Ono (Battler Ushiromiya) and Marina Inoue (Jessica). A special episode was later aired on April 28, 2010 featuring Rina Satō (Ange Ushiromiya) and Ryukishi07 as guests. Two CD compilation volumes containing two CDs each were released on December 23, 2009 and January 27, 2010 compiling the ten main episodes.
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| - Umineko no Naku Koro ni Episode R: Radio of the Golden Witch is an Internet radio show. It aired ten episodes between August 26, 2009 and January 13, 2010. Produced by Animate TV, the show was hosted by Sayaka Ohara (Beatrice) and featured numerous guests who were also voice actors from the anime such as Daisuke Ono (Battler Ushiromiya) and Marina Inoue (Jessica). A special episode was later aired on April 28, 2010 featuring Rina Satō (Ange Ushiromiya) and Ryukishi07 as guests. Two CD compilation volumes containing two CDs each were released on December 23, 2009 and January 27, 2010 compiling the ten main episodes.