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About 6,000 years ago, a leader and philosopher named Landru became deeply concerned that the wars raging on Beta III would destroy all life there. To solve the problem, he built an extremely sophisticated computer, also called Landru. Landru absorbed the members of Beta III's society, eventually exerting absolute control over the thoughts and feelings of the entire planetary population. Landru eliminated hate, fear, and conflict, put an end to war, disease, and crime. But Landru also eliminated the soul of the civilization. The people moved through their lives in a blissful daze—and nothing changed for almost 6,000 years.

  • Beta III
  • Beta III
  • Beta III
  • Beta III
  • Beta III
  • About 6,000 years ago, a leader and philosopher named Landru became deeply concerned that the wars raging on Beta III would destroy all life there. To solve the problem, he built an extremely sophisticated computer, also called Landru. Landru absorbed the members of Beta III's society, eventually exerting absolute control over the thoughts and feelings of the entire planetary population. Landru eliminated hate, fear, and conflict, put an end to war, disease, and crime. But Landru also eliminated the soul of the civilization. The people moved through their lives in a blissful daze—and nothing changed for almost 6,000 years.
  • thumb|Beta III Beta III ist ein Planet der Klasse M im C-111-System, welcher die Heimat einer Spezies ist, die sich äußerlich nicht von den Menschen unterscheidet. Vor mehreren tausend Jahren droht ein Krieg den Planeten zu vernichten. Der Führer der Gesellschaft, Landru, schafft daraufhin einen Computer, der alle Übel auf dem Planeten für immer beenden kann, dafür aber auch alle Belange der Personen diktatorisch beherrscht. Der Computer, der sich ebenfalls Landru nennt, tut das über 6000 Jahre lang. Durch seine absolute Kontrolle verlernen die Bewohner Beta IIIs fast das selbständige Handeln und können sich in dieser Zeit nicht entwickeln.
  • Beta III è un pianeta di classe M ubicato nel sistema C-111, mondo abitato da una specie esteriormente identica a quella umana. Circa seimila anni fa, un leader e filosofo di nome Landru si preoccupò del fatto che le guerre in atto su Beta III potessero distruggere tutta la vita ivi ospitata. Per ovviare al problema, costruì un computer estremamente sofisticato che chiamò col proprio nome. Landru assorbì i membri della società Betana, arrivando ad esercitare un controllo assoluto sui pensieri e le emozioni dell'intera popolazione planetaria. Landru eliminò l'odio, la paura ed il conflitto, pose fine alle guerre, alle malattie ed al crimine. Ma Landru eliminò anche l'anima della civiltà. La popolazione viveva in uno stato di gioia vuota – e nulla mutò per quasi seimila anni.
  • Circa 3800 BCE, a Betan philosopher named Landru became concerned that the wars amongst the Betan people would ultimately destroy themselves and the planet. In order to bring peace to the planet, Landru built a sophisticated computer -- also named Landru -- which "absorbed" members of Betan society, allowing their actions and emotions to be controlled by the computer. Once Landru's influence had spread over the planet, war, disease, crime, fear, and conflict had been eliminated. The computer also assumed automated control of much of the society's technological systems and infrastructure.
  • Ongeveer 6000 jaar geleden maakte de leider en filosoof, Landru, zich grote zorgen. Hij dacht dat de oorlogen op Beta III het einde van het leven op de planeet zouden betekenen. Om dit probleem op te lossen maakte hij een computer die hij ook Landru noemde. Landru absorbeerde de leden van de Betan gemeenschap en had eindelijk de complete controle over de gedachten en gevoelens van de gehele bevolking. Landru elimineerde haat, angst, conflicten, ziekte, misdaad en maakte een einde aan de oorlogen. Hij vergat echter dat hij hiermee ook de ziel van de beschaving uitroeide. De bevolking leefde in een soort droomwereld en er veranderde in 6000 jaar helemaal niets.
  • Hace 6.000 años, un líder y filósofo llamado Landru se preocupa acerca de las guerras que asolan al planeta y eventualmente destruir toda la vida. Para resolver este problema, él construyó una muy sotisficada computadora, también llamada Landru. Este aparato absorbió a la sociedad de Beta III, eventualmente tomando control de los pensamientos y sentimientos de toda la población. Landru eliminó el odio, el miedo y los conflictos, poniendo fin a las guerras, enfermedades y crímen. Pero Landrú también eliminó el alma de la población. La gente vivió en aturdimiento por más de 6000 años.
  • Beta III
  • 2267(xsd:integer)
  • Habitable
  • Beta III
  • Beta III
Native Species
  • Beta III remastered.jpg
  • Beta III remastered.jpg
  • Beta III remastered.jpg
  • Hace 6.000 años, un líder y filósofo llamado Landru se preocupa acerca de las guerras que asolan al planeta y eventualmente destruir toda la vida. Para resolver este problema, él construyó una muy sotisficada computadora, también llamada Landru. Este aparato absorbió a la sociedad de Beta III, eventualmente tomando control de los pensamientos y sentimientos de toda la población. Landru eliminó el odio, el miedo y los conflictos, poniendo fin a las guerras, enfermedades y crímen. Pero Landrú también eliminó el alma de la población. La gente vivió en aturdimiento por más de 6000 años. En el año 2167, la nave Archon visitó Beta III, y descubrieron a Landru. La mayoría de la tripulación fue absorbida y la nave fue destruída. 100 años después, el USS Enterprise visitó el planeta en busca de pistas acerca de la desaparición del Archon. Esta nave también fue amenazada por Landru. El Capitán James T. Kirk confrontó a Landru, y convenció a la computadora que estaba dañando a la sociedad que había jurado proteger. Incapaz de resolver esta paradoja, Landru se autodestruyó, dejando a los ciudadanos de Beta III a su suerte. El Enterprise dejó un equipo de sociólogos para ayudar a la civilización a volver a una "forma más humana".
  • thumb|Beta III Beta III ist ein Planet der Klasse M im C-111-System, welcher die Heimat einer Spezies ist, die sich äußerlich nicht von den Menschen unterscheidet. Vor mehreren tausend Jahren droht ein Krieg den Planeten zu vernichten. Der Führer der Gesellschaft, Landru, schafft daraufhin einen Computer, der alle Übel auf dem Planeten für immer beenden kann, dafür aber auch alle Belange der Personen diktatorisch beherrscht. Der Computer, der sich ebenfalls Landru nennt, tut das über 6000 Jahre lang. Durch seine absolute Kontrolle verlernen die Bewohner Beta IIIs fast das selbständige Handeln und können sich in dieser Zeit nicht entwickeln. 2167 besucht die USS Archon als erstes Raumschiff der Föderation Beta III und wird vom immer noch herrschenden Computer Landru angegriffen. Die Besatzung wird als die „Archonier“ in die Gesellschaft gezwungen. 2267 schließlich gelangt die USS Enterprise nach Beta III. Auf der Suche nach der Archon wird auch sie angegriffen. Schließlich gelingt es Captain James T. Kirk Landru zu vernichten und damit das Volk von Beta III von seiner Herrschaft zu befreien. Um dem orientierungslosen Volk bei dem Neuaufbeu einer Gesellschaft zu helfen verbleibt der Soziologe Lt. Lindstrom auf Beta III. (TOS: )
  • Ongeveer 6000 jaar geleden maakte de leider en filosoof, Landru, zich grote zorgen. Hij dacht dat de oorlogen op Beta III het einde van het leven op de planeet zouden betekenen. Om dit probleem op te lossen maakte hij een computer die hij ook Landru noemde. Landru absorbeerde de leden van de Betan gemeenschap en had eindelijk de complete controle over de gedachten en gevoelens van de gehele bevolking. Landru elimineerde haat, angst, conflicten, ziekte, misdaad en maakte een einde aan de oorlogen. Hij vergat echter dat hij hiermee ook de ziel van de beschaving uitroeide. De bevolking leefde in een soort droomwereld en er veranderde in 6000 jaar helemaal niets. In 2167 bezocht de Archon Beta III en de bemanning ontmoette Landru. Vele werden geabsorbeerd in de Betan gemeenschap, maar ook verschillende bemanningsleden werden gedood. Het sterrenschip werd vernietigd. Honderd jaar later bezocht de USS Enterprise de planeet om de vermissing van de Archon nog maar eens te onderzoeken. De Enterprise werd ook bedreigd door Landru. Kapitein James T. Kirk confronteerde Landru en overtuigde hem ervan dat hij zijn beschaving veel schade toebracht. Landru kon deze paradox niet verwerken en verwoestte zichzelf. De bewoners van Beta III waren nu weer vrij om hun eigen gedachten en gevoelens te hebben. De Enterprise liet een team sociologen en andere experts achter om de gemeenschap weer een "menselijke" vorm te geven. (TOS: "The Return of the Archons")
  • Beta III è un pianeta di classe M ubicato nel sistema C-111, mondo abitato da una specie esteriormente identica a quella umana. Circa seimila anni fa, un leader e filosofo di nome Landru si preoccupò del fatto che le guerre in atto su Beta III potessero distruggere tutta la vita ivi ospitata. Per ovviare al problema, costruì un computer estremamente sofisticato che chiamò col proprio nome. Landru assorbì i membri della società Betana, arrivando ad esercitare un controllo assoluto sui pensieri e le emozioni dell'intera popolazione planetaria. Landru eliminò l'odio, la paura ed il conflitto, pose fine alle guerre, alle malattie ed al crimine. Ma Landru eliminò anche l'anima della civiltà. La popolazione viveva in uno stato di gioia vuota – e nulla mutò per quasi seimila anni. Nel 2167, la Archon si recò su Beta III, dove l'equipaggio incontrò Landru. Molti vennero assorbiti nella società Betana; molti altri furono uccisi mentre la nave venne distrutta. Cento anni dopo, la USS Enterprise si recò sul pianeta per cercare indizi circa la scomparsa della Archon. Anch'essa venne minacciata da Landru. Il Capitano James T. Kirk affrontò Landru, e lo convinse che stava in realtà nuocendo alla società che avrebbe invece dovuto proteggere. Incapace di risolvere tale paradosso, Landru si autodistrusse, lasciando i cittadini di Beta III liberi di condurre le proprie vite secondo la loro volontà. L' Enterprise lasciò un team di sociologi ed altri esperti sul pianeta per aiutare la società indigena a tornare ad una "forma di esistenza più umana." (TOS: "Il ritorno degli Arconti") Informazioni di retroscenaStranamente, il pianeta aveva un orologio con numeri arabi. Questo potrebbe esser dovuto all'influenza esercitata dagli Arconti sulla cultura di Beta III. È ignoto se la giornata è divisa in unità di dodici o ventiquattro ore. Se si presta attenzione alle ombre, sembrerebbe trattarsi di una giornata composta da dodici ore.
  • About 6,000 years ago, a leader and philosopher named Landru became deeply concerned that the wars raging on Beta III would destroy all life there. To solve the problem, he built an extremely sophisticated computer, also called Landru. Landru absorbed the members of Beta III's society, eventually exerting absolute control over the thoughts and feelings of the entire planetary population. Landru eliminated hate, fear, and conflict, put an end to war, disease, and crime. But Landru also eliminated the soul of the civilization. The people moved through their lives in a blissful daze—and nothing changed for almost 6,000 years. In 2167, the Archon visited Beta III, and her crew encountered Landru. Many were absorbed into Beta III's society; many more were killed, and the ship itself was destroyed. A hundred years later, the USS Enterprise visited in search of clues to the Archon's disappearance. She, too, was threatened by Landru. Captain James T. Kirk confronted Landru, and convinced it that it was harming the very society it was programmed to protect. Unable to resolve this paradox, Landru destroyed itself, leaving the citizens of Beta III free to govern their own affairs. The Enterprise left a team of sociologists and other experts behind to help them return their society "to a more Human form." (TOS: "The Return of the Archons" ) In 2328, this was the destination for passengers traveling from New Vegas colony via commercial transport. Naren Shankar traveled on the SS Manoa, Brian Vogt traveled on the SS Kogin, and Dawn Velazquez and Art Cadron traveled on the SS Wisconsin. (TNG-R: "Inheritance" , okudagram)
  • Circa 3800 BCE, a Betan philosopher named Landru became concerned that the wars amongst the Betan people would ultimately destroy themselves and the planet. In order to bring peace to the planet, Landru built a sophisticated computer -- also named Landru -- which "absorbed" members of Betan society, allowing their actions and emotions to be controlled by the computer. Once Landru's influence had spread over the planet, war, disease, crime, fear, and conflict had been eliminated. The computer also assumed automated control of much of the society's technological systems and infrastructure. In 2167, Beta III was visited by the Daedalus-class Federation starship, USS Archon, conducting a survey mission. The Archon was brought down by Landru and its crew all either absorbed or killed by Landru. A century later, the USS Enterprise was dispatched to Beta III to ascertain the fate of the Archon. The Enterprise crew were likewise confronted by Landru and threatened with absorption. But Captain James T. Kirk was able to deactivate the Landru computer by convincing it that it had destroyed the very society it was supposed to protect, thereby creating a paradox in its programming. With Landru's influence negated, Captain Kirk left Ensign Christopher Lindstrom and a team of sociologists behind to help guide the Betans in their new freedom. Additionally, the Corps of Engineers sent the USS Lovell to help bring Beta III's necessary automated systems back on line; Enterprise chief engineer Montgomery Scott also remained on Beta III to assist them. (TOS episode & Star Trek 9 novelization: The Return of the Archons) During this period, Landru was briefly reactivated, and attempted to reassert its influence over the Betan populace. The computer was disabled once again by an electromagnetic pulse generated by a blast from an old spatial torpedo which had been salvaged from the Archon a century earlier. Starfleet considered using Beta III as a starship maintenence facility in the 2260s. (SCE eBook: Foundations, Book Two) In the mid-2370s, the Aerie-class starship USS Rook was assigned to an extended sociological re-education program on this planet under the direction of Doctor Timothy Wess. (Decipher RPG module: Starships)
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