| - The hardest part of this quest is navigating through the ruins of the Domain of Secrets while avoiding the many large groups of level 24 Margonites that populate the area. These groups are not difficult to take down even with a full party of henchmen, provided that you can take it one group at a time. Getting trapped between multiple groups of Margonites is a sure way to rack up DP. Thus, the best strategy would be to carefully progress through the route while keeping a close eye on nearby mobs. Don't take a chance until you're sure they won't get too close while you take out the single group blocking your path. Be sure and take the Margonite Hunt from the Forgotten Warden at the beginning of the quest - it will double the XP value of Margonites, which will help reduce any DP if you've made a mistake. Near the end, there are small groups of Titans that should be avoided: when killed, they decompose into several smaller titans and can quickly overwhelm a party with their powerful AoE skills. They appear easy targets because there are only two to a group, but it's a lot easier to just wait for them to pass. When Ahtok is finally located, you will need to rescue him from a group of Margonites who run up to him and start attacking. This group is like the others and not difficult since Ahtok will also be helping in the battle. If Ahtok dies, the player will be required to restart the quest from the very start. Once this battle is over, talk to him to progress to a cutscene and the Gate of Madness. Note: Do NOT go into the portal next to Ahtok, doing so will take you into the Gate of Madness outpost, but you will have to repeat the quest (since you need to speak to Ahtok to trigger the cutscene which will take the party there).