This table shows all items needed to getting your Crafting level to 99 as quickly as possible.
This guide is intended to help new players find information that they want to know, and don't know they want to know. This is the currently known spoiler chart on how to unlock workers, adventurers, buildings, and vice-versa. If you level a building high enough, it will unlock the target. Levels of buildings are not listed for the upgrades intentionally. File:BuildingUnlocks.png This is the progression chart for how to unlock all types of crafting items. Many types of crafts are unlocked by hiring workers. Hiring workers is not the necessary method to unlocking items. Continue to craft items of that type until a new crafting type is unlocked. File:Progression.png This is a preview of what skills and rare resources are required to craft items of each type in the range of item level 1-5 an
This guide is intended to help new players find information that they want to know, and don't know they want to know. This is the currently known spoiler chart on how to unlock workers, adventurers, buildings, and vice-versa. If you level a building high enough, it will unlock the target. Levels of buildings are not listed for the upgrades intentionally. File:BuildingUnlocks.png This is the progression chart for how to unlock all types of crafting items. Many types of crafts are unlocked by hiring workers. Hiring workers is not the necessary method to unlocking items. Continue to craft items of that type until a new crafting type is unlocked. File:Progression.png This is a preview of what skills and rare resources are required to craft items of each type in the range of item level 1-5 and 6-10. I may post an 11-15 at some point. File:Progression2.png File:Progression3.png
This table shows all items needed to getting your Crafting level to 99 as quickly as possible.