| - The war commenced when Revan, alongside his friend and apprentice, Darth Malak, led an invasion of the Republic in the year 3,924 BrS. With the aid of veterans from the Mandalorian Wars, and a host of Dark Jedi converts that had served with them, the former Jedi hoped to take over the Republic, in anticipation of a greater threat posed by a Sith Empire that had dwelt within the Unknown Regions of the galaxy for over a thousand years.
| - The war commenced when Revan, alongside his friend and apprentice, Darth Malak, led an invasion of the Republic in the year 3,924 BrS. With the aid of veterans from the Mandalorian Wars, and a host of Dark Jedi converts that had served with them, the former Jedi hoped to take over the Republic, in anticipation of a greater threat posed by a Sith Empire that had dwelt within the Unknown Regions of the galaxy for over a thousand years. During the war, Revan drove the Republic to its knees and nearly succeed in overthrowing it, however, a trap set by the Jedi led to the betrayal of Revan by Malak, and Revan was left comatose, his mind practically destroyed. Close to death, he was taken alive from the wreckage by Jedi Commander Bastila Shan, whose skills in battle meditation and the Force were the reason the trap was conceived of. Taken to the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine, Revan was healed by the Jedi Council and his mind was reprogrammed to make him believe that he was an soldier loyal to the Republic. The amnesiac Revan was put under the command of Shan, who was placed aboard the Endar Spire, with the intention of drawing out Revan's fragmented memories of the Star Forge—the vast space station that was the source of the seemingly limitless resources of the Sith. In 3,921 BrS, the Endar Spire came to the planet of Taris where a Sith fleet under the direct command of Malak, was waiting in ambush. The vessel was destroyed, but Shan, the amnesiac Revan, and Carth Onasi—a decorated veteran of the Mandalorian Wars—managed to escape the vessel, crashing onto Taris' surface in an escape pod. Eventually escaping from Taris, Revan, along with Shan, Onasi, and several others, arrived at the Dantooine Academy, where the Jedi Masters there re-trained him in the ways of the Jedi. After several weeks, the Dantooine Council sent him and the crew of the Ebon Hawk back out into the vast regions of the galaxy, in order to find the Star Forge's location, at the heart of the ancient Infinite Empire of the Rakata. Later, after a number of ancient Star Maps had been uncovered, Malak led an attack against the Enclave, annihilating it, and further crippling the Jedi Order. After finding the last Star Map, and, from it, successfully deducing the location of the Rakatan homeworld, Revan, the Jedi, and the Republic initiated the final battle of the war; there, Revan slew Malak aboard the Star Forge, and the Republic routed the Sith forces. With Malak dead, the Star Forge destroyed, and the Sith fleet defeated, the long, devastating, and costly, war finally came to a close.