| - The Biogate is a ongoing play by post game on Gaiaonline set in a What If world set after the end of Tales of Symphonia. Starting off as a extension of another idea done by the mods, the Roleplay was made January 16, 2011 by Shadowkeykeeper, Iceenchantress09 and Neka1. Not long after it started, The Biogate quickly filled with dedicated memembers who have become Fire-Forged Friends over the course of Roleplaying together for a year. Despite this, it has its share of slowdowns and people who leave for their own reasons. Still, the group has had a good run and is currently on its third arc and manages to avoid many reasons past cross over Roleplays have failed. The Roleplay contains Loads and Loads of Characters so don't expect a full list from all the big RPs. The Biogate is run by Six Mods, Shadowkeykeeper, Iceenchantress09 and Neka1, Keyblademaster333, Sorathekeyblademaster, and Devalious L. Quatilina was a mod since arc 1 but was replaced due to lack of posting. There's a character sheet with tropes associated to the RPers now! It's right here. Note, Spoilers are unmarked! ---
* Action Girl: And how! Judith, Rukia Kuchiki, Aki Izayoi, Chie Satonaka, and many more.
* And I Must Scream: Chosens, Dark Signers and Judith get hard with this. Chosens can't speak and are unable to do anything of free will. They have to follow a specfic person they are attached too. The Dark Signers have no idea they are evil and when they do, the Earthbound takes control, invoking this. Judith gets this because she becomes trapped inside her own body, unable to speak and losing her will and ability to fight back against Yubel.
* Anti-Villain: Kratos Aurion, Zelgius/Black Knight, Chidori Yoshino, and Yuan Kafei are more straight examples.
* Awesome but Impractical: Many characters have attacks that are this. Yugi and Marik's God Cards are this:Awesome but can be impractical in a long term duel if they aren't able to get the power needed for it. Certain attacks too are this such as Emil's Ain Soph Aur. However, the arte Judgement fits this. Flash and bright, it can easily miss and takes a lot of time to charge.
* Badass Adorable: Cutemon doesn't do much, but has super strength, healing and is adorable. Oshawatt plays this straight though. The little adorable Pokemon fought in a War and helped repel Maia's Metal Head's as well as Mithos's Angels.
* Badass Normal: In a world full of magic users and the supernatural, there are surprisingly only a few characters who can hold this title. Currently consistent of Yui, Sundown and Kamina.
* Even by the standards of the Biogate, characters without a Cross Series are this. Martha herself is also a example, being the most normal person in the entire Biogate yet still being Badass.
* Battle Amongst the Flames: Dai Gurren fights off Da Ji and her snakemen in one.
* Big Bad: Each arc has these. Arc One has Mithos and the Dark Signers. Arc two has Gol and Maia followed by The Enchantress, Vanitas, The Queen and Divine. Wiseman seems to be this for the main RP so far however.
* Arc 3 has revealed that Wiseman is The Dragon to a bigger threat called the Black Winged Devil. What this means is unknown but its obvious the Black Winged Devil will appear soon
* Big Bad Duumvirate: Some villain's do this. Gol and Maia ally with Omega-Zero and his creator, Doctor Weil, while Wiseman and the Enhantress play this straight.
* Arc 2 and 3 take this Up to Eleven. Gol and Maia ally with Megatron and Meta-Ridley, Divine (somewhat) allies with Wiseman, and the Dark Signers loosely work with Wiseman.
* Big Damn Heroes: Happens quite often. Examples go to anyone who ends up being saved in the T.V World, and Guy Cecile and Hong against a Hydra. However, a truly epic moment happens in Arc 2 where Edge Geraldine attacks Yubel who has transformed into her final form, with ramming her giant form with his Airship's Drill.
* Bittersweet Ending: Arc One ends on a bitter note. The Dark Signers aren't defeated and saved, Zaphias lies in ruins and its defenders heavily weakened and near death. Flynn, Genis and Danny are badly wounded and the chosen's remain unable to speak. Did we mention that Kratos, Yuri and Aki become wanted criminals?
* If you thought arc 1 ended back, arc 2 is a complete Downer Ending. Walpirgus Night kills around ten major characters and hundreds of deaths to Neo Domino, Luke accidentally kills the boys in the Bamboo Forest, Rise, Atem, and Zelda have died and become Dark Signers while three out of the four have joined Dark Signer Kiryu, Marik and Cynder are now allies of Wiseman, and Megatron has allied with Gol and Maia.
* Break the Cutie: And how!?
* Capital City: Neo Domino City takes the cake with being the largest location in the Biogate. Zaphias is the second largest with Tatsumi Port Island, and Mac Anu tied. Inaba is last.
* Cat Fight: The Enchantress and Sailor Pluto have one towards the end of arc 2. Sadly, Pluto loses and dies.
* Crowning Moment of Funny: Recently, in Arc 2, Kefka appeared at Martha's House. He set a Blizzaga Spell( on the table and left...Only for it to explode into an Ice Sculpture of Kefka on A Horse. He was pantsless the whole time. Mercifully though, he did have underwear on. Even Kefka has standards.
* Character Derailment: A problem that normally gets averted. You have to be able to show you can play the character. However, this problem still exists. Atsuke was infamous for making all of his characters more Oc's then the really were, including Cruxis Yuri and Amnesia Forte. Averted with Yusei, who is the same character but a few changes.
* Clear My Name: In Arc Two, Aki spends most of the time trying to do this. Much to her dismay, Zaphias and Neo Domino know about her, Inaba finds out and her bounty is fairly high.
* Darker and Edgier / Lighter and Softer: Doubles as both. The ending to Arc 1 was dark, but the start of Arc 2 is noticibly darker. In fact, Arc 2 is much more dark then Arc 1. However, Arc 2 is very lighthearted after the Dark Signers are killed. Then Wiseman makes himself known...
* Death Is a Slap on The Wrist: Dying doesn't mean you stay dead. When you die, you end up in the Shadow Realm where you must find a way out. Still, escaping can be hard.
* Given there's a chance you could run into Freakazoid on your way to escape, This can easily become a lot worse.
* Disc One Final Boss: Mithos(Both the real and copy) and his army, Dark Signer Carly and Yukiko, were this for arc 1.
* Arc two has Shadow Ventus/Shadow Sundown, the events in the Sahara, a few of the Arcana shadows, and Da Ji as this. Walpurgis Night is more of a Climax Boss but still fits here.
* Enemy Mine: Vanitas saving Ventus counts for this. Due to saving Ventus' life.
* Evil Is Not a Toy: The Queen receiving the ability to summon Unversed. And her treating them as "Servants" will most likely come back to get her. True to the trope, Vanitas betrays her when she begins having a Villainous Breakdown.
* Excuse Plot: The starting one at least. Yuan Fucked Up and now random people are being pulled into a random foreign world. Hilarity Ensues. Subverted later on, as the Villains needed something to do, and had an entire new world to conquer.
* Fake Defector: Kratos and most, if not all members of Cruxis and Chosens are this way to Mithos. Kratos only acts like he's following Mithos because he knows he can't defeat him by himself and thus waits for te right time. The battle of Zaphias lets him, Yusei, Yuri and Yuan drop the act and turn against him.
* Fighting Your Friend: Happens to a few characters. Yuri and Flynn duke it out once in the only instance of actual bloodshed between the two after Yuri becomes a member of Cruxis. Yosuke and Chie have a friendly fight.
* Five-Man Band: Thanks to all the teams this trope is jumbled around often.
* Team Flirt:
* Zelos (The Hero)
* Judith/Teddie (The Lancer)
* Johan (The Big Guy)
* Rukia (The Smart Girl)
* Rise/Judith (The Chick)
* Team Twilight during the Tower of Salvation attack:
* The Hero: Minato
* The Chick: Rita
* The Smart Guy: Genis/Naoto
* The Big Guy: Jack/Kenzan
* The Lancer: Yosuke
* Five Rounds Rapid: Played around with. NPC Police forces, whilst they have grown more Genre Savvy, have had their moments.
* Gameplay and Story Segregation: Averted. Artes, Spells, cards, Spellcards, etc are all in the Biogate and are used in combat. Since its a Rp, theres no way this can really happen.
* Hero-Killer: Holy Hell, if you thought the Dark Signers or Mithos were bad, Walpirgus knight easily has the highest number of kills. Most of them are actual characters such as Zelos, Teddie, Judith, Torn, Trigger and the list goes on!
* Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!: Zelda delivers one to Flynn to get him out of his Heroic BSOD.
* Headbutting Heroes: In arc 3, Lightning Farron and Laxus Dreyar meet and lets just headbutting is only a part of what happen eds.
* Heroic Sacrifice: Raven/Schwann performs one on Mithos Yggdrasil to end the Battle of Zaphias.
* Heroic BSOD: Flynn has a slight case of Heroic BSOD after Yuri and Kratos betray him and Wasp, Estelle, and Static get turned into Chosens. Judith has a severe one when she is saved from Yubel. Ventus is going through one now in fact.
* Happens again to Flynn when the Arcana Shadow kills Zelda. Luke goes through one after accidentally killing the Fanboys in the forest.
* Hoist by His Own Petard: Yubel thinks taunting Team Flirt about the damage she's done to Judith's mind after months of torture will break their spirits. All this does is make Zelos angry for the first time. The Dark Signers likewise try taunting the group after killing Junpei, which equals the same results as the former.
* How Do I Shot Web?: Naoto Shirogane is the prime example of this. She is the only chosen to not be taught in any Angelic spells or abilities. Leaving her to learn her newfound skills on her own.
* "I Know You're in There Somewhere" Fight: The final battle against Yubel-Judith is one. The Dark Signer fights also turn into these when their Earthbound Immortals go berserk and take control of the person. Also applies to Chosen's without a Rune Crest though deconstructed in that there was no fighting involved for any of them.
* It's All My Fault:
* A few characters have instances of this. Zelos Wilder, Rukia Kuchiki, Teddie and Johan Anderson each one after Judith gets possessed by Yubel as revenge for knocking her out of Johan. Bonus points for Rukia being responsible for freeing Johan and Jubel.
* Aki Izayoi goes through this for almost all of arc two when she nearly kills Flynn Scifo at the battle of Zaphias. In her defense, it wasn't truly her fault and was a accident.
* Loads and Loads of Characters: Quite a bit for a forum based role play. even more so, as many characters get cycled out with the coming and leaving (Or changing of interests) of players, means that the number isn't static, and that the total amount of characters only rises...
* Lethal Chef: Raine, Rise, Yukiko, Chie, Flynn, Luke, and Elise are more noticable examples.
* Lemon Wacky Hello: After getting shot with a Sedative Dart, Yusei falls into this. With Hilarious Results.
* Mercy Kill:
* Judith begs for one to prevent Yubel from taking control of her again. Subverted in that Zelos refuses and they managed to free her.
* Played straight with the Dark Signers though. All of the Dark Signers are forced to have one because their Earthbound Immortals possess the duelist and force them to fight. Jack Atlas is forced to give one to Carly Nagisa while Raine is killed by Dante.
* Memetic Mutation: "Zelos is the most popular landing zone!"
* "Martel is a whore!" Followed by glares.
* AND LET IT BE KNOWN, If there is a cross series, Raine shalt hath it.
* Avacnela wants to dissect you!
* 'Can Naoto shoot X?'
* Western Ruins, come take our souls!
* Crow's D-Wheel can fit HOW many people?
* Martha and her 'wonderful' closet!
* More Than Mind Control: Divine and Wiseman's mind control abilities actually play off the persons mental weaknesses.
* Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Team Twilight had this issue. On their trip to the Tower of Salvation Genis Sage and Naoto Shirogane were kidnapped. And due to Edge and Haseo the Tower of Salvation collapsed. Almost landing on the small town of Inaba
* Not So Different: Despite Mithos and Genis being very similar in game, Rua and Mithos play this out more. Both lose their sister(Ruka is taken by a Martel copy and Martel is of course dead), both are younger then their sister but have a big brother complex. Joey also plays this straight by saying this almost word to word about him and Rua.
* Really 700 Years Old: Remilia Scarlet plays the trope straight. Genis Sage would fit as well. But in fact, he's been corrupted so he's the reverse, really 12 years old despite looking older. Several others could easily qualify for this though, such as Kratos, Wiseman, Atem, Gig, Yuan, and Mithos.
* Roaring Rampage of Revenge: The entire group that went to fight the Dark signers, including Simon and Minako Arisato, fly into one when Junpei Iori is killed by Carly Nagisa in early Arc 2.Mithos goes on one when Martel's Cruxis Crystal is destroyed by Raven/Schwann.
* Happends again in arc two when Walpirgus Night throws Momentum and causes a second zero resverse. Seeing their friends die, Rukia, Akihiko, Carly, Johan, and Jack get super pissed and attack with their strongest.
* Running Gag: Kefka has a notable tendency to show up anywhere. Oftentimes to humorous effect.
* Everytime a character runs into another character who has the same voice actor as them someone must comment. Example, Soul said Rise was as bad as Maka, who ironically is voiced by the same voice actress.
* Zelos being a drop zone.
* Junpei, Touma, and Carly are going to have bad things happen every time.
* The Ace: Several characters are this way. Zack Fair, Dante, Kamina, Judai Yuki, and Flynn Scifo are already considered this on their respective pages so its no surprise that they are this. Sundown Kid and Yugi are very much a straight example, Sundown is ace with his gun, and with all the Duel Monsters players in the word, Yugi is considered the Ace of Duel Monsters.
* The Archer: Yukari Takeba is currently the only character to use a bow as her weapon of choice.
* The Chessmaster: Wiseman and Divine are becoming this quickly, though Yuan, Lelouch, and Keima, who are this already, may be able to out do them.
* The Gunslinger: Sundown is the exclusive owner of this title as of it stands. A mixture of Type A&D, with D being more prevalent.
* The Hero: Several characters count but Emil, Yusei, Minato, and Souji stand out amoung several.
* The Only One Allowed to Defeat You: Flynn tries to pull this on Yuri during the battle of Zaphias. That is, until Yuri betrays Cruxis and helps the defenders. Hooded Man holds this trope though as he wants to defeat his Dark half, Dark Kain. Raven/Schwann pulls this on Mithos though with mixed results from the fellow Rper's though..
* Undying Loyalty: Teddie fit's this description toward each of his friends. Mostly to Zelos in a way that he would die to protect his 'sensei' The knights of Zaphias also fit this description. Leading to them being easily tricked by the Flynn Doppleganger
* Villainous Rescue: Vanitas of all people does this! He saved Ventus from being killed by a Skullscorpiomon because he was weak from it's poison. However, he only did this because he needs Ventus alive.
* Wake Up Call Boss: Arc Two's the one where this happened more. The Dark Signers, and Yubel-Judith were quickly this, letting the Rper's know how powerful and dangerous things were to come.
* Wham! Episode: The Yugi's death sets off the return of the Dark Signers with Zelda and Rise dying shortly after, and then Walpirgus Knight shows up
* What an Idiot!: Gee! Great idea running into the obvious trap Aqua! Justified in that it was a Terra copy and she was lured into it.
* Good job Ventus, running ahead will solve things faster!
* What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?: Keima and Lelouch's game of chess lasted three hours.
* Wise Beyond Their Years: Many characters are surprisingly showing this side to them. Raine Sage and her younger brother Genis, as well Naoto Shirogane, are noticeable cases, but most young characters are showing signs. Subverted with Wisemon. Wisemon is a Digimon and therefore has no real age but is rather smart and true to his name, wise.
* Wide Open Sandbox: This can be an (un)fortunate fate of some characters. usually averted, but has happened enough to be notable.
* Worthy Opponent: Sort of. When Keima makes a cryptic message and has Elise deliver it to Lelouch, he worries Lelouch will fail to get the meaning. When he does get it and responds with a equalyl cryptic message, Keima remarks: " If their was anyone he would set as an equal, it would be him.
* Your Days Are Numbered: Junpei Iori faced this issue after he betrayed the Dark Signers deal. In which the Dark Signers made it a goal to track him down. Which Ultimately led to his own demise.