| - People born within the sound of Cow Bells are called Cockerknees, who are named after men's genitalia and a convenient posture. Cockerknees are detained in the East End of London with the chavs. The detainees will soon be moved to Los Angeles, which is scheduled to be renovated as a nuclear testing site. The last sighting of a Cockernee was a week last Wednesday, leading several leading anthropologists to suggest that, like the Yangtze River Dolphin, they have become extinct. Like the aforementioned river dolphin. Cockerknees live entirely on whelks and eels, and these creatures have been wiped out due to severe over-jellifying.
| - People born within the sound of Cow Bells are called Cockerknees, who are named after men's genitalia and a convenient posture. Cockerknees are detained in the East End of London with the chavs. The detainees will soon be moved to Los Angeles, which is scheduled to be renovated as a nuclear testing site. The last sighting of a Cockernee was a week last Wednesday, leading several leading anthropologists to suggest that, like the Yangtze River Dolphin, they have become extinct. Like the aforementioned river dolphin. Cockerknees live entirely on whelks and eels, and these creatures have been wiped out due to severe over-jellifying. Despite its diminutive size, and lack of obvious attractions, London Village (est. 1987) is actually the only inhabited place in the United Kingdom (source: US Guidebooks TM) and Merkins flock there in untold dozens - all looking for Hobbiton (which is in Ireland, as anyone who saw a recent film would know) or Hogwarts (which is a painful sexually transmitted disease caused by hogfucking, the favourite hobby of most London Villagers). The locals welcome them with open arms, and positively encourage them and their heavy wallets on the YouTube, a miniature underground railway (where they may meet the tube's tour guides, or "chavs" who may charge a small fee for a taste of "the Authentic London Experience"). The lack of attractions in London is not due to a lack of effort, however. Those noteworthy accomplishments of its inhabitants have a peculiar habit of being knocked over, being declared indecent by the general public and then getting knocked over, or simply disappearing. In the case of the latter, the equally glaring lack of a standard police force has prevented any competent exploration of who took the missing attraction, or where the missing attraction has gone, although many suspect Noel Edmonds of hoarding them in his secret underground bunker near Paisley. (citation needed)