Lexi Bunny (voiced by Jessica DiCicco) is the second-in-command and sole female member of the Loonatics. She is the descendant of either Lola Bunny or Honey Bunny. She wears a black uniform with pink accents, as well as a long green ribbon she uses like a hair tie to decorate her ears.
Es una personaje secundaria y Heroina Aliada en la serie Tai 10 - Fuerza Elemental
Lexi Bunny (voiced by Jessica DiCicco) is the second-in-command and sole female member of the Loonatics. She is the descendant of either Lola Bunny or Honey Bunny. She wears a black uniform with pink accents, as well as a long green ribbon she uses like a hair tie to decorate her ears.
Es una personaje secundaria y Heroina Aliada en la serie Tai 10 - Fuerza Elemental