| - The good guys don't always have to be warm and cuddly, or even all that attractive for that matter. Sometimes, they're even downright scary. This trope mostly applies to Friendly Neighborhood Vampires, Noble Demons, Uncanny Valley Girls, etc. -- nonhuman characters get this a lot, in fact. But it can also be applied to a Well-Intentioned Extremist or somebody else who is fully human, but unnerves allies and audience members with their methods or mannerisms. It can also follow a Heel Face Turn, if the character switching to the side of good retains some moral ambiguity or monstrous traits. Psycho Sidekicks and good-guy (or at least harmless) versions of Stalker with a Crush can fall under this, as well.
| - The good guys don't always have to be warm and cuddly, or even all that attractive for that matter. Sometimes, they're even downright scary. This trope mostly applies to Friendly Neighborhood Vampires, Noble Demons, Uncanny Valley Girls, etc. -- nonhuman characters get this a lot, in fact. But it can also be applied to a Well-Intentioned Extremist or somebody else who is fully human, but unnerves allies and audience members with their methods or mannerisms. It can also follow a Heel Face Turn, if the character switching to the side of good retains some moral ambiguity or monstrous traits. Psycho Sidekicks and good-guy (or at least harmless) versions of Stalker with a Crush can fall under this, as well. Contrast Handsome Devil and Villain with Good Publicity, which are inversions, and Face Monster Turn, in which a good character changes sides after becoming creepy. Creepy Awesome may also apply, especially in the case of particularly Badass characters. Compare Good Is Not Nice and Dark Is Not Evil, which are sister tropes, and the Nightmare Fuel Station Attendant, who is usually also Creepy Good (unless, of course, they're evil). If it's the main character who's Creepy Good, it's a case of Horrifying Hero. Examples of Creepy Good include: