| - The Kurgan are one of the three greater tribes of northmen. Alongside the Norse and Hung they reinforce the armies of the Warriors of Chaos.
- The Kurgans are divided into countless clans and tribes, the most northerly of which are generally the fiercest and most barbaric of all. Indeed, the Kurgans are by the far the most numerous of all the accursed peoples of Chaos, with numbers far outstripping those of even the bloodthirsty Norscans or the treacherous Hung. Raised in unforgiving climes, the Kurgan are immersed into violence from an early age. They recognize no concepts of nationality, borders or allegiance. Indeed, such things are alien to them. To them, the only law is that of might and power, the will to take and hold. Thus, they are a race of skilled warriors, who rule their bleak dominion with the axe and bow. After all, they must fight from birth to survive.
| - The Kurgans are divided into countless clans and tribes, the most northerly of which are generally the fiercest and most barbaric of all. Indeed, the Kurgans are by the far the most numerous of all the accursed peoples of Chaos, with numbers far outstripping those of even the bloodthirsty Norscans or the treacherous Hung. Raised in unforgiving climes, the Kurgan are immersed into violence from an early age. They recognize no concepts of nationality, borders or allegiance. Indeed, such things are alien to them. To them, the only law is that of might and power, the will to take and hold. Thus, they are a race of skilled warriors, who rule their bleak dominion with the axe and bow. After all, they must fight from birth to survive. When the shadow of Chaos expands over the world and the Northmen hear the clarion of battle, the Kurgan are most benefited by their rootless existence, for as a nomadic people they are, alone amongst the men of the north, able to bring each and every last member of their race to bear in these dark crusades. Such is not motivated only by their sense of devotion to the Dark Gods they worship, but also because to attach themselves to a great horde imparts numerous advantages, for they are able to ride ahead of their Norse and Hung brethren as scouts and thus take for themselves the easiest of the plunder. No true loyalty do the Kurgan harbour, for when the horde is inevitably reversed or gainstayed, it is observed that the horsemen are just as quick to break off from the army and settle the lands they have conquered, glutting themselves fat on stolen plenty before riding back to the steppes, thus escaping the forces of retribution that march against them. Never will the horsemen, for all their great personal strength and martial might, engage their enemies on equal terms, but will rather turn tail when met by men of mettle, only to lead them into a trap and cut them down with abandonment before turning their bows and blades upon the cowering innocents those fallen warriors strove to protect.
- The Kurgan are one of the three greater tribes of northmen. Alongside the Norse and Hung they reinforce the armies of the Warriors of Chaos.