The Geo film series consists of animated comedy films based on the series of the same name by Geo LTD. All of the films were directed by the series' creator Geo G. It started with 1973 film, Geo and Coraline's Funny Book Stories, which was the first film by Geo LTD. A second film, titled Geo: The Greatest Movie Ever, was released in 2002. The third and CGI-animated reboot film in the series, simply titled Geo, was initially scheduled to be released in 2005, but has since been pushed back to a October 4, 2013 release. Its sequel, Geo 2, is set to be released in 2015, with a third CGI-animated film and a currently untitled live-action film based on the series are also in development.
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| - The Geo film series consists of animated comedy films based on the series of the same name by Geo LTD. All of the films were directed by the series' creator Geo G. It started with 1973 film, Geo and Coraline's Funny Book Stories, which was the first film by Geo LTD. A second film, titled Geo: The Greatest Movie Ever, was released in 2002. The third and CGI-animated reboot film in the series, simply titled Geo, was initially scheduled to be released in 2005, but has since been pushed back to a October 4, 2013 release. Its sequel, Geo 2, is set to be released in 2015, with a third CGI-animated film and a currently untitled live-action film based on the series are also in development.
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| - UK DVD box set of the three films
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| - The Geo film series consists of animated comedy films based on the series of the same name by Geo LTD. All of the films were directed by the series' creator Geo G. It started with 1973 film, Geo and Coraline's Funny Book Stories, which was the first film by Geo LTD. A second film, titled Geo: The Greatest Movie Ever, was released in 2002. The third and CGI-animated reboot film in the series, simply titled Geo, was initially scheduled to be released in 2005, but has since been pushed back to a October 4, 2013 release. Its sequel, Geo 2, is set to be released in 2015, with a third CGI-animated film and a currently untitled live-action film based on the series are also in development.