| - Mangler Squigs, occasionally known as Chain-Squigs or Great Squig Knockers, are massive bounding balls of destruction that can tear apart a battleline with brutal savagry. Alternatively puling, yanking and dragging each other along, the two fettered Great Squigs hurtle forwards. There is a token attempt by the Night Goblins to steer the Mangler Squigs by chaining a few foolish volunteers directly onto the ferocious beast. This crew, if they can be called that, preserve some notion of goading the rolling monstrosities in a direction, however this fades the moment the creature first moves, and is altogether gone by the time it hits something.[1a]
| - Mangler Squigs, occasionally known as Chain-Squigs or Great Squig Knockers, are massive bounding balls of destruction that can tear apart a battleline with brutal savagry. Alternatively puling, yanking and dragging each other along, the two fettered Great Squigs hurtle forwards. There is a token attempt by the Night Goblins to steer the Mangler Squigs by chaining a few foolish volunteers directly onto the ferocious beast. This crew, if they can be called that, preserve some notion of goading the rolling monstrosities in a direction, however this fades the moment the creature first moves, and is altogether gone by the time it hits something.[1a] The chained Giant Squigs produce an impact that is nothing short of spectacular. The ideal end result, at least from the Night Goblin's perspective, is that the Mangler Squigs enrage each other, whirling themselves into a tumbling motion. The beast builds a wild, unstoppable momentum of pure aggression, swirling chain and snapping jaws. Should the Mangler hit a regiment, they earn their name quite fittingly, sending severed body parts and splashes of gore skyward, to the delight of any onlooking Night Goblin.[1a]