| - This is the main menu of BioShock. On PC the player can control it with the mouse. The console versions of the menu is a little bit different as one can see. The player can navigate with the controller and when they highlight an option, the sound of a piano can be heard.
* Continue Only available if one has started a new game. The player can continue their last saved progress.
* New Game One can begin a whole new game, by selecting one's preferred difficulty (Easy, Medium, Hard, or Survivor). If the player is using a controller, the game first asks them to set the brightness level.
* Credits
| - This is the main menu of BioShock. On PC the player can control it with the mouse. The console versions of the menu is a little bit different as one can see. The player can navigate with the controller and when they highlight an option, the sound of a piano can be heard.
* Continue Only available if one has started a new game. The player can continue their last saved progress.
* New Game One can begin a whole new game, by selecting one's preferred difficulty (Easy, Medium, Hard, or Survivor). If the player is using a controller, the game first asks them to set the brightness level.
* Load Game One can load up a saved game.
* Credits Watch the list of creators of BioShock.
* Director's Commentary (Remastered version only) Watch unlocked Commentary of the Directors.
* Museum (Remastered version only) Visit the Museum of Orphaned Concepts.
* Downloadable Content (Playstation 3)/Additional Content (Remastered version) Select and play one of the three downloadable Challenge Rooms.
* Options Takes the player to the options screen, where they can set many different options.
* Exit Exits to Windows. Additionally, the PlayStation 3 version of BioShock features an additional option:
* Extras Here, the player can view special movies and cutscenes. They include a demo video, the respective intros to J.S. Steinman and Sander Cohen, and the BioShock 2: Sea of Dreams trailer.