A member of The Brotherhood he beats up Trey and interrogates him about the stolen drug money. He is later knocked out by Reese when he visits the marijuana greenhouse.
He is the owner of the medical marijuana dispensary where Trey and Harper work. He hires The Brotherhood to protect and launder the money from the dispensary.
He is Harper's boyfriend and a student at the same university. He is kidnapped by The Brotherhood after Harper steals their drug money under the cover of Trey's day job at a medical marijuana dispensary. He is rescued by Reese.
He is Caleb Phipps' assistant and interviews Root, who is using the alias Shannon, about her app. He later introduces her to Caleb.
A member of the Parral Cartel, he was conned by Harper into attacking a Brotherhood convey thought to be transporting the drug money. He is kneecapped by Reese and later interrogated by Fusco regarding Harper's whereabouts.
She is one of Harper's friend from a club she frequents. She knows Harper by the name Fiona.
A member of the Parral Cartel and Nico's bodyguard. He is arrested along with the rest of the cartel.