You have seen your fair share of death recently. The thought of being witness to one more tragedy does not please you. But as you get nearer you see that it's body is silvered, you hear the soft whine of servos and instinctively grab your weapon. You look down at the wrecked robot expecting it to leap up at you... But it just lays there and quivers. The legs are severed for it's body and huge holes are carved into its chest. The head is partially torn from the torso, and with the arms slowly flaying in small circles as if trying to fend off an unseen attacker, you get the impression that the android is in immense pain.
The droid takes the Composite with its left hand, it's long fingers pierce the top of the canister and begins to drain the contents. You see it run down the tube and fill the reservoir in it's chest. When the reservoir is full an odd hum emits from the Harvester. 'Thank you for the help Unit. I have analyzed the sample you provided and found that it does not meet with the recommended DNA profile. I am to give my results to Quality Control. But I seem to be having some difficulty moving. Can you please take the Oasis Base Profile to Quality Control found in the Karano Facility?'