| - The Royal Guards are fictional guards in the Star Wars universe. They appear in Return of the Jedi and in the third prequel film, Revenge of the Sith (2005). Royal Guards have been merchandised into action figures and miniatures, and their backstory expanded upon in such works as Dark Horse Comics' Crimson Empire series. During Star Wars Weekends, they appear during the Hyperspace Hoople, escorting Emperor Palpatine. They made a brief appearance in Star Wars Rebels in episode "Empire Day" where on a view screen.
- The Royal Guards are the guards of Emperor Palpatine and villains in the Star Wars universe. One of their most prominent members is Carnor Jax.
- The Emperor's Royal Guard was an elite unit of personal guards to Emperor Palpatine. Hand picked to undergo brutal training from the ranks of the best Stormtroopers, very few survive training. They wore red robes, a red mask, and used a Force pike.
- Toen Supreme Chancellor Palpatine verkozen werd als nieuwe leider van de Galactic Republic vond hij dat de Senate Guard onvoldoende zijn veiligheid kon garanderen. Daarom riep hij de Red Guard in het leven. Dit waren zijn persoonlijke lijfwachten die gekleed gingen in lange, felrode gewaden, waaronder ze een harnas droegen. Ze droegen een helm die hun hoofd en hun identiteit volledig verborgen hield. Als wapen gebruikten ze vooral een Controller Force Pike. Aangezien dit een handwapen was, waren de Red Guards getraind in handgevechten. Hun uitzicht droeg gelijkenissen met de Sun Guards uit het Thyrsus System, de Death Watch van Mandalore en de Senate Guards.
- The Emperor's Royal Guard were the freaky people in red burqas who guarded Emperor Palpatine. You know, under those burqas, they were really hot women. Okay, not really... maybe a few. Stormtroopers hated them because when their laundry was mixed together, it turned their undergarments pink. The Guard was founded by Cardinal Richelieu, Raistlin Majere, and the Scarlet Pimpernel. They were a savage, well-trained fighting force... but mostly they just followed the Emperor wherever he went and stood around.