| - The player finds himself in a flashing light at the beginning of the game, and after the light dies down Leonidas appears next to the player. He states his name and the player asks to be his parter; Leonidas agrees, seeing this is the only way to unleash his fury. Imediately after thier first tornaument, many of the battle brawlers grow suspicious of Leonidas, wondering why he is so agressive in battle and why he came to earth at such a late time. The player shakes it off, stating Leo is his partner, and he will not simply throw him away. After this, Leonidas begins to feel trust and friendship, making him want to turn away from his aggresiveness and hate. He eventually does so, after he reveals his origins to the player. He states he has begun to feel trust, and he is sorry for keeping secrets. The player, however, thanks leonidas for being his partner, and the two continue entering in battles. Eventually a bakugan called Vladitor rises to power and challenges Leonidas to a tornaument. Leonidas and the player win... however, Vladitor siezed the "silent core" and used it to become incredibly powerful so he could destroy all bakugan-Leonidas included. Leonidas, however, takes the powers of his friends and uses it to evolve as well. He defeats Vladitor, and the two fade due to the overload of power they used. Leonidas reappears, however, stating that Vladitor saved him at the last second, stating he deserved to live.