| - Back to our story! TTTMMMPTCTHWHSAAH: You'll never learn the secrets of Episode 34! Bloop: and why not? TTTMMMPTCTHWHSAAH: I'll prevent that! Bloop: ...Dude, we already jumped in. TTTMMMPTCTHWHSAAH: What? NO! Then I'll... TTTMMMPTCTHWHSAAH: CALL UP A VOTE-OFF SESSION! Steel: You can't do that, only Locke and me are allowed to do that. TTTMMMPTCTHWHSAAH: Now I will! TTTMMMPTCTHWHSAAH: As you know, everyone will receive a padlock- Pesh: Waaaaaaaait a minute. How'd you know that? TTTMMMPTCTHWHSAAH: Dude, I've watching Fandemonium too. TTTMMMPTCTHWHSAAH: Together with those guys I'm working for, which call themselves Prod- Bloop: -ucers. Steel: WHATTHEF**K? TTTMMMPTCTHWHSAAH: Meaning those li'l producers are evil, eh? Well, where was I? Vulcan: The "padlock" part. TTTMMMPTCTHWHSAAH: Ah, yes. OK, You'll receive padlocks. TTTMMMPTCTHWHSAAH: If you don't receive one... TTTMMMPTCTHWHSAAH: ...I'LL KICK YOU OUT! TTTMMMPTCTHWHSAAH: I've 13 padlocks. Steel: But We're with sixteen. You need 15 padlocks! TTTMMMPTCTHWHSAAH: I want to eliminate three! Steel: ...oh. And so, ten have received a padlock. three need to receive one. The ones remaining were Heart, PKB, Bloop, Ybrik, Xero and Luz. TTTMMMPTCTHWHSAAH: So, I call the names who'll pass. TTTMMMPTCTHWHSAAH: The others will be kicked out! TTTMMMPTCTHWHSAAH: Bloop! Bloop: YES! TTTMMMPTCTHWHSAAH: PKB! PKB: Phew! TTTMMMPTCTHWHSAAH: Who'll receive the last one? PKB hopes Heart will get the last one, and so, he's shaking. TTTMMMPTCTHWHSAAH: Heart! PKB: YYYYYYYYYYYYYYES! Heart: I did it! And so, Ybrik, Xero and Luz were kicked out. In Fantendo Sea, a splash is heard. Ybrik: Hey, look, Ginourm and Hiro Ginourm: Were you being hyper? Luz: No, Voted off. Back to Fantendo Mansion... Steel: You work for the producers? TTTMMMPTCTHWHSAAH: Yes! I want to prevent you... TTTMMMPTCTHWHSAAH: To stop Metal Locked v3! Steel: ...who's that? Bloop: I think he means the fake Locke. Steel: Who's the real one anyways? TTTMMMPTCTHWHSAAH: I'm not telling you! Pesh: Then it's time for.... Pesh: WHO'S THE REAL LOCKE! Pesh: A quiz show! Steel: ...And a Super Paper Mario Ripoff? Pesh: Shh, don't say that! Later... A room has made with neon lights, and two seats. The two Lockes has been placed on the seats. Pesh: WWWWWWELCOME TO WHO'S THE REAL LOCKE! McBoo is the one who'll ask the questions! McBoo: Allright. McBoo: Soo... ummm... What's your favorite meal? Locke #1: Eggplant oil. Locke #2: SuperOil 2000 McBoo: And... ummm... what's your favorite pet? Locke #1: Eggplant-eating weasel. Locke #2: Robo-hedgehog. McBoo: Where are you afraid of? Locke #1: That every eggplant will be destroyed. Locke #2: That I will turn into a demon. McBoo: What's your favorite color? Locke #1: Eggplant purple. Locke #2: Green. Pesh: LAST QUESTION! McBoo: What's your dream? Locke #1: That I own every eggplant in the world. Locke #2: A sexy robot and a good life. Pesh: Now McBoo, WHO'S THE REAL LOCKE? McBoo: I think the second one. A Machine checks if McBoo is right. It flashes green. Pesh: YOU WERE RIGHT! Locke v2: Good choice! Locke v3: ULTIMATE SH*T! How did he know I wasn't v2? McBoo: You always answered something with "eggplant". Locke v3: SH*T!! The room is cleaned By YE Nook. TTTMMMPTCTHWHSAAH: Now you DID found v3! Steel: So this is v3? Locke v3: Yes. I want to eliminate you all. But because of Mister Question Mark- TTTMMMPTCTHWHSAAH: Call me The Tall Thin Mysterious Mustachioed Man in a Purple Trench Coat and Top Hat Who Has a Sinister Air About Him. Locke v3: Okay, because of TTTMMMPTCTHWHSAAH... TTTMMMPTCTHWHSAAH: That's not The Tall Thin Mysterious Mustachioed Man in a Purple Trench Coat and Top Hat Who Has a Sinister Air About Him! Locke v3: Your name is too long. TTTMMMPTCTHWHSAAH: Shut Up. Locke v2: We just call you Mr. ? Mr. ?: Which is a part of my real name, but whatever. Steel: forget it, We'll kick you to the producers. Locke v3 and Mr. ? were kicked to the producers, which caused a gap in the roof. Vince: Aww, they failed. Mars: Hey if we sell them on eBay, we could buy that weapon of Satan. Jack: Great idea! What do you think, Steve? Steve: Rooo...! Jack: Steve agrees. Vince: Great, we'll do this on two o' clock. Jack sees it's one o' clock. Jack: I first want some eggplant coffee. Mars: Me too. Vince: 'K, I want too. Meanwhile in Fantendo Mansion. Pashie: ...Who sent v3 anyway. Locke v2: Meaning I've need to tell you the whole story... Locke told the whole story. Pesh: ...So that Almost Killer was hired by the producers, and you were alarmed? Locke: Yes, but I actually have no idea why the producers did that. The doorbell's ringing. Locke: 'k, I'll open it. Locke sees Blaze. Locke: BLAZE? Blaze: Yes? Locke sees Blaze behind him. Locke: What the... How'd you came in front and behind me? Blaze: Huh, I'm just behind you, and in this mansion the whole time. Locke: Seems we forgot you. Blaze: But why- Wait... T-that's... Locke: Uh-oh, I know hat you mean... Locke & Blaze: ANTI-BLAZE!!!! See that in the NEXT Fandemonium