| - The 15. September Bewegung (English: 15th of September Movement, Kunikata: 9月15日事件, Kogatsu Jūgonichi Jiken, Hulstro-Mikun: Fūnfuzentā Seputenbā Būegūngu), commonly referred to as the Septembrist Movement or the Septembrists, named for the date of a peaceful protest march that ended in a bloodbath when regime forces opened fire on the protestors, was the united movement of the democratic opposition in Hulstria and Gao-Soto against the Imperial Socialist Party regime. A broad movement encompassing many social and political groups opposed to the dictatorship, such as the two main Hosian Churches, the Hosianisch-Demokratisches Verbund and several trade unions. It also enjoyed the support of the Crown Prince of Gao-Soto.
| - The 15. September Bewegung (English: 15th of September Movement, Kunikata: 9月15日事件, Kogatsu Jūgonichi Jiken, Hulstro-Mikun: Fūnfuzentā Seputenbā Būegūngu), commonly referred to as the Septembrist Movement or the Septembrists, named for the date of a peaceful protest march that ended in a bloodbath when regime forces opened fire on the protestors, was the united movement of the democratic opposition in Hulstria and Gao-Soto against the Imperial Socialist Party regime. A broad movement encompassing many social and political groups opposed to the dictatorship, such as the two main Hosian Churches, the Hosianisch-Demokratisches Verbund and several trade unions. It also enjoyed the support of the Crown Prince of Gao-Soto. The 15th of September Movement was the origin of most of Hulstria and Gao-Soto's parties, notably the Hosianisch-Demokratisches Verbund, Allianz für Freiheit and Sozialdemokratische Arbeiterpartei. As a result, the politics of the United Imperial Crownlands of Hulstria and Gao-Soto were pervaded by Septembrist ideals and ideas throughout its history. In 3404, after both the Wirtschaftliche Autonomie-Partei and the Septembrist Hulstrianisch-Sozialistischen Partei voted in favour of a Communist-led radical left-wing government, the Movement was resurrected by former Governor-General and Chairman of the Septembrist Movement (its non-party continuation), Johannes Goddestreu as the Erneuerte 15th September Bewegung (Renewed 15th of September Movement) for the purpose of preventing the establishment of a new dictatorial regime. The new alliance was joined by the HDV and the Liberale Volkspartei, both longstanding Septembrist parties. After the total collapse of radicalism in the Crownlands, leaving only the three Septembrist parties, the movement dissolved once more in 3606. After years of persecution forced the movement underground in the Mikuni-Hulstrian Empire, continuing aboveground only in the Hulstrian diaspora abroad as the International Septembrist Movement, the War for the Emperor's Protection that erupted in the 42th century saw the return of Florian Goddestreu, the chairman of the International Septembrist Movement, and the reinstitution of a third Fifteenth of September Movement, which resurged amidst the chaos of the war as a non-violent civil defiance movement according to the example of the first movement. The third Septembrist Movement, supported by the invading Kazulian army, first founded self-governing cantons and then set up a provisional rival government headquartered in Hennersdam-Numamura, known as the Free Imperial Crownlands of Hulstria and Mikuni. When the Jihibukai Emperor revealed himself and caused the collapse of both the Contra-Revolutionary and Constitutionalist forces, the Septembrists joined his Imperial Government of Reconciliation and were reconciled to the body politic after centuries of persecution. After a constitution based on Goddestreu's drafts was passed in 4167, the third movement dissolved once more. Several symbols have become associated with the Septembrist Movement. The widely-recognised anthem of the Movement is the old Gishoton national anthem Land of our Fathers, which due to its association with Septembrist Hulstria and Gao-Soto is now also known by the name Septemberhymne. Its unofficial motto is taken from the last verse of the anthem: "das Land von zwei Völker, vereint und frei" (the land of two peoples, united and free), sometimes shortened to simply "vereint und frei". In the third Movement, to account for the emergence of the Hulstro-Showans, the motto was often rendered as "das Land unserer Völker, vereint und frei" (the land of our peoples, united and free) or "das Land und ihr Völker, vereint und frei" (the land and her peoples, united and free). The 15th of September is considered a symbolic day. Traditionally, the name 15th of September Movement is only used when it is acting as a concerted, active political force or resistance movement. During normal party-political competition, the movement continues as the non-party-political Septembrist Movement promoting Septembrist values and offering dual membership with the several Septembrist parties.