| - Phineas: I baked you a pie. Ferb: Oh, boy! What flavor? Phineas: ...PIE FLAVOR. (guitar riff; static) Isabella: I like singing! Isabelle: I like dancing. Blythe: I like trains. (train goes by) (static) Isabelle: Hey, it says gullible on the ceiling. (Isabella looks up, where it says "GULLIBLE" in big letters) Isabella: Oh so it do — (sees Isabelle is holding Phineas's hand) Oh, you stole my boyfriend. (static) Isabelle: (looking at a tomato) Die, tomato. (the tomato pulls out a water gun and shoots water at Isabelle, who screams) Tomato: Not today. (static) (Perry chitters) Phineas: No, Perry, no! (static)
| - Phineas: I baked you a pie. Ferb: Oh, boy! What flavor? Phineas: ...PIE FLAVOR. (guitar riff; static) Isabella: I like singing! Isabelle: I like dancing. Blythe: I like trains. (train goes by) (static) Isabelle: Hey, it says gullible on the ceiling. (Isabella looks up, where it says "GULLIBLE" in big letters) Isabella: Oh so it do — (sees Isabelle is holding Phineas's hand) Oh, you stole my boyfriend. (static) Isabelle: (looking at a tomato) Die, tomato. (the tomato pulls out a water gun and shoots water at Isabelle, who screams) Tomato: Not today. (static) Phineas: Haha, they said I could never teach a platypus to drive! (Perry chitters) Phineas: No, Perry, no! (Perry walks into a bookstore and buys a Twilight book; static) Ferb: What are you, a man, or a platypus? (Perry blinks; static) Linda: Hey, kids, I brought you some cookies! Phineas, Ferb, et al.: COOKIES! YAY! Blythe: I like trains. (train goes by; static) Singers: Pin-ky the Moon Dog! (Pinky barks; static) Blythe: (reading a book) Haha, I can't read. (static) Honey: Kitten fight! Isabelle: No! Wait! I'm allergic to adorableness! (Honey throws Bonnie at Isabelle, who looks down at the ball of fluff and smiles) Isabelle: Aww. (starts coughing; static) Lawrence: What are you up to today, son? Ferb: I like trains. Lawrence: Heh heh heh, yes you do. (static) Isabelle: (to Blythe) Hey. You know who's dumb? Yo — (train goes by and credits roll; after credits, Blythe and Isabelle are shown again) Blythe: I can't wait to eat this bagel! Isabelle: ...yes you can. Blythe: Nah, I guess you're wrong! (eats bagel)