| - Zoumas was a 22nd century humanoid man of alien origin living in the galaxy's Alpha or Beta Quadrants. Zoumas was a trader of a race with patterns of growths along pale skin, along with tendrils growing out of his jowels.
- thumb|Zoumas (2152) Zoumas ist ein Händler, der im 22. Jahrhundert lebt. Bei einer Gelegenheit lassen seine Kollegen ihn in einem Wald auf Burala Prime allein zurück, und er verliert mehrere Zehen durch Erfrierungen. Seitdem hinkt er geringfügig. Im Jahr 2152 greift man Zoumas in der Nähe von Keto Enol auf und transportiert ihn mit einem Gefangenentransportschiff zur Strafkolonie auf Canamar, die er nicht erreicht, da eine Revolte an Bord ausbricht. Während des enolianischen Transports nervt er Tucker mit seinen Geschichten, die er ununterbrochen erzählt. (ENT: )
- Zoumas was an alien trader who originated from a humanoid species that possessed several growths along their pale skin. In 2152, Zoumas was arrested near Keto-Enol, and was meant to be taken to Canamar, but the Enolian transport experienced difficulty on the way. On one occasion, his colleagues left him alone in a forest on Burala Prime, and he lost several toes to frostbite, and had walked with a slight limp after that.
| - Zoumas was an alien trader who originated from a humanoid species that possessed several growths along their pale skin. In 2152, Zoumas was arrested near Keto-Enol, and was meant to be taken to Canamar, but the Enolian transport experienced difficulty on the way. On one occasion, his colleagues left him alone in a forest on Burala Prime, and he lost several toes to frostbite, and had walked with a slight limp after that. While aboard the Enolian transport, he enjoyed telling Trip Tucker his stories, ranging from Fluvian fungus, to the tastes of Melvaran mud fleas and Cardassian tojal, to his encounter with an Orion slave girl. Zoumas also had a knowlage of the other aliens on the Transport. He helped break up a fight between Trip and a Nausicaan and he warned Archer about Kuroda Lor-ehn. (ENT: "Canamar") Zoumas was played by Sean Whalen. However, his lines of dialogue were dubbed by another actor. (Portal47 interview with Stephen Welke on 24 August 2016 ) In the final draft script of "Canamar", Zoumas was described as "a thin, nervous alien." During a scene in which Jonathan Archer is informed he is about to be released, Zoumas was scripted to be sleeping "fitfully". However, he is clearly awake in the final version of that scene. Similarly, a line of dialogue that wasn't in the episode's final draft script features Zoumas, speaking to Tucker, react to a Nausicaan prisoner who sarcastically apologized to Tucker, Zoumas stating, "That was nice. It reminds me of the time I was on..." before Tucker shuts him up, which was also not in the final draft teleplay.
- thumb|Zoumas (2152) Zoumas ist ein Händler, der im 22. Jahrhundert lebt. Bei einer Gelegenheit lassen seine Kollegen ihn in einem Wald auf Burala Prime allein zurück, und er verliert mehrere Zehen durch Erfrierungen. Seitdem hinkt er geringfügig. Im Jahr 2152 greift man Zoumas in der Nähe von Keto Enol auf und transportiert ihn mit einem Gefangenentransportschiff zur Strafkolonie auf Canamar, die er nicht erreicht, da eine Revolte an Bord ausbricht. Während des enolianischen Transports nervt er Tucker mit seinen Geschichten, die er ununterbrochen erzählt. (ENT: ) Zoumas wurde von Sean Whalen gespielt und von Niko Macoulis synchronisiert.
- Zoumas was a 22nd century humanoid man of alien origin living in the galaxy's Alpha or Beta Quadrants. Zoumas was a trader of a race with patterns of growths along pale skin, along with tendrils growing out of his jowels.