The Tales universe, known as the Tales of universe (テイルズ オブ, Teiruzu Obu) in Japan, refers to the Super Smash Flash series' collection of characters, stages, and properties that hail from Namco's series of console role-playing games. Similar to many Japanese role-playing games in a series, most games or media of the series are unrelated to each other beyond certain elements. Widely known for its heavy influence by anime and Japanese culture, the series often makes use of popular manga artists or illustrators, and animated cutscenes produced by Production I.G. The series popularity in the west is attributed to the release of Tales of Symphonia, given this, the game represents the Tales series in the Super Smash Flash series. Its symbol is based on the stone compass that can be seen on the b
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| - The Tales universe, known as the Tales of universe (テイルズ オブ, Teiruzu Obu) in Japan, refers to the Super Smash Flash series' collection of characters, stages, and properties that hail from Namco's series of console role-playing games. Similar to many Japanese role-playing games in a series, most games or media of the series are unrelated to each other beyond certain elements. Widely known for its heavy influence by anime and Japanese culture, the series often makes use of popular manga artists or illustrators, and animated cutscenes produced by Production I.G. The series popularity in the west is attributed to the release of Tales of Symphonia, given this, the game represents the Tales series in the Super Smash Flash series. Its symbol is based on the stone compass that can be seen on the b
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| - Android, iOS, Microsoft Windows, Game Boy Advance, Game Boy Color, GameCube, PlayStation, PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Portable, PlayStation Vita, Mobile phone, Nintendo DS, Nintendo 3DS, Super Famicom, Web browser, Wii, Xbox 360
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| - Portion from the logo of Tales of Berseria.
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| - Namco Tales Studio , Bandai Namco Studios
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| - The Tales universe, known as the Tales of universe (テイルズ オブ, Teiruzu Obu) in Japan, refers to the Super Smash Flash series' collection of characters, stages, and properties that hail from Namco's series of console role-playing games. Similar to many Japanese role-playing games in a series, most games or media of the series are unrelated to each other beyond certain elements. Widely known for its heavy influence by anime and Japanese culture, the series often makes use of popular manga artists or illustrators, and animated cutscenes produced by Production I.G. The series popularity in the west is attributed to the release of Tales of Symphonia, given this, the game represents the Tales series in the Super Smash Flash series. Its symbol is based on the stone compass that can be seen on the back of the logo for the original Tales of Symphonia.
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