| - El seiscientos noventa y séis (696) es el número natural que sigue al 695 y precede al 697. Categoría:Números
- Während die Hochzeitsvorbereitungen für Lena und Mike auf vollen Touren laufen, kämpft Mike zunehmend mit seinen Schuldgefühlen, Bulle umgebracht zu haben. Schließlich entschließt er sich aus Liebe zu Lena zu einem folgenschweren Schritt. Lars kann Stella zwar davon überzeugen, ihn nicht bei den Steinkamps zu verpetzen, aber sie verlangt, dass Lars sein Training "trocken" durchzieht und sich irgendwie mit Jenny arrangiert. Doch es gelingt ihm nicht, seinen Hass gänzlich zu unterdrücken. Es kommt zu einer Auseinandersetzung mit überraschendem Ende. Der Fund der Tatwaffe zwingt Celine dazu, Maximilian, Richard und Simone die Wahrheit zu erzählen. Simone will die Polizei einschalten, aber wie wird sich Maximilian verhalten?
- At the Old House, Maggie Evans races downstairs screaming David and Amy's names. She is holding an old fashion telephone in her hands. Barnabas greets her in the parlor and asks her to calm down. Maggie panics, citing that she cannot find the children anywhere. She tells Barnabas that the telephone is proof that the children are at Collinwood and still under Quentin's possession.
| - El seiscientos noventa y séis (696) es el número natural que sigue al 695 y precede al 697. Categoría:Números
- Während die Hochzeitsvorbereitungen für Lena und Mike auf vollen Touren laufen, kämpft Mike zunehmend mit seinen Schuldgefühlen, Bulle umgebracht zu haben. Schließlich entschließt er sich aus Liebe zu Lena zu einem folgenschweren Schritt. Lars kann Stella zwar davon überzeugen, ihn nicht bei den Steinkamps zu verpetzen, aber sie verlangt, dass Lars sein Training "trocken" durchzieht und sich irgendwie mit Jenny arrangiert. Doch es gelingt ihm nicht, seinen Hass gänzlich zu unterdrücken. Es kommt zu einer Auseinandersetzung mit überraschendem Ende. Der Fund der Tatwaffe zwingt Celine dazu, Maximilian, Richard und Simone die Wahrheit zu erzählen. Simone will die Polizei einschalten, aber wie wird sich Maximilian verhalten?
- At the Old House, Maggie Evans races downstairs screaming David and Amy's names. She is holding an old fashion telephone in her hands. Barnabas greets her in the parlor and asks her to calm down. Maggie panics, citing that she cannot find the children anywhere. She tells Barnabas that the telephone is proof that the children are at Collinwood and still under Quentin's possession. Maggie tells Barnabas that she believes Quentin brought the telephone over to the Old House since she left it in her room and Amy went back to get it, but could not find it (695). Barnabas deduces that Quentin communicates with the children through the telephone. He prepares to leave for Collinwood, but orders Maggie to stay at the Old House. Meanwhile, Amy creeps through the West Wing of Collinwood looking for David. She calls out to him, asking why he ran away. Suddenly, the ghost of Quentin Collins appears before her. Amy asks him if he caused David to run away. Quentin nods an affirmation. Amy grows scared and tries to leave, but the air fills with the sounds of music from the old gramophone. Quentin silently commands Amy to do his bidding. Barnabas gets Willie to go to Collinwood with him, but Willie complains that he is scared and no one should go back there. But Maggie convinces him to go with Barnabas. Meanwhile, Amy has gathered up a 19th century gown from a trunk and brought it downstairs. Quentin's spirit attends her and beckons her to be silent. Barnabas and Willie Loomis arrive at the front door of Collinwood and hear Amy speaking inside. At first, the doors appear bolted shut, but they abruptly spring open. When Barnabas and Willie enter the house, they do not find Amy because she is hiding behind one of the curtains in the drawing room. The lights in the house suddenly go out, and Barnabas and Willie must use a flashlight to navigate through the darkness. Willie finds the old dress discarded upon the floor. He feels Quentin's presence all around him, and grows nervous. Barnabas and Willie hear Quentin's music as the lights come back on. There is no visible sign of Quentin Collins however. Barnabas and Willie go upstairs to continue their search. Alone at last, Amy comes out of her hiding spot. The ghost of Quentin appears to her again and commands her to bring Maggie Evans to Collinwood. Amy acquiesces and leaves. Meanwhile, Maggie is pacing in the Old House pacing and examining the antique telephone when she sees Amy appear in front of the parlor window, then runs away, luring Maggie to Collinwood. In the West Wing, Barnabas investigates the room outside Quentin's room. Convinced they are close, Barnabas instructs Willie to look for a secret passage, which Willie reminds Barnabas that he knows all of them and goes into hysteria just as Barnabas gets close to the hole to Quentin's room that has now been boarded up. Maggie chases Amy back to Collinwood, where she finds her sitting on the floor of the drawing room, humming. Maggie wants Amy to return to the Old House. Amy continues to act strangely, and she refuses to go with her, saying that she and David belong in Collinwood now. Meanwhile, the shadow of Quentin Collins comes down the foyer staircase. Maggie begins to sense Quentin's presence as he appears behind her. She demands that Quentin set David free, but he shakes his head and Maggie begins to scream. Her screams are heard in the upstairs room in the West Wing, by Barnabas and Willie. Barnabas and Willie race downstairs only to find Amy calmly sitting at a table, drawing. Maggie is nowhere in sight. Amy says Maggie is gone now and as a result Quentin will set her free. She gives no indication as to Maggie's whereabouts. Barnabas has Willie take Amy back to the Old House while he continues his search for Maggie. Back at the Old House, Willie questions Amy about Maggie's whereabouts some more, but all she says is Maggie isn't anywhere. After being tormented by the ghostly laughter of Quentin Collins, Barnabas finds Maggie sewing in the Drawing room. She is wearing the blue 19th century dress, and her hair is styled in the fashion of the period. When he calls her by name she asks who he is and why he called her by that name. He tells her who they both are and ask about the children, but she is obviously confused. She tries to tell him who she is, but cannot remember. All of a sudden, Maggie lets out a blood-curdling shriek and falls to the floor.