| - It was apparent Kim didn't think Jason could protect her either. The day after Billy's funeral she quit the team. Handed her morpher and her communicator back over to Jason. Apparently the death of a ranger was enough for Rita Repulsa to keep quiet for a while. The remaining rangers took this time to grieve for their lost companion. But the day after the funeral they decided it was time to come together and decide what came next. Make a game plan. "Now we know who the green ranger is. We should use that information to our advantage. Why don't we just take him out, he won't be expecting us to come after him. A pre-emptive strike." This was Zack's suggestion. "We can't do that," Trini stated softly, "It would be against ranger code, the rules that Zordon set out for us when we first became rangers." "She's right, rule number two, never escalate the battle. It's not the ranger way." Jason shook his head, vetoing Zack's idea. He wasn't yet in a place where he was willing to stoop to their enemies' level. This angered Zack. "So, what we'll just wait for him to take out another one of us? 'Cause that seems real smart, bro. We gonna wait until another one of our friends is lying on the floor covered in blood and taking their last breaths? What if next time it's you lying there, or Kimberly?" Jason knew his friend was right, but he just wasn't willing to take that action yet. There had to be another way to beat Rita and her Green Ranger. The clearing of the pink ranger's throat broke the male rangers' stare down. "I'm sorry," she sniffled, close to tears. "I-I can't do this anymore." She unclasped the silver communicator on her wrist, unclipped the morpher from her belt and handed both items that made her one of Zordon's Mighty Morphin Power Rangers to her leader. And that was it. Jason called out to the girl he considered a sister, but despite the slight shaking of her shoulders she didn't even turn to look back. Not once. Looking back, Jason would recognize that moment as the one to push him off that precarious ledge he had been teteering on since Billy's death. He was in freefall and there was no turning back.