| - (opens up on Grim and Hildy's castle. Hildy shrieks) Hildy: Grim, you got me a zingy-dingy shape-shifter-ringy! You shouldn't have. Grim: I shouldn't have? But you told me to get it for you. (Hildy shrieks) Hildy: This is the absolute latest witchy must-have. Shake the ring, and it will automatically turn you into the appropriate animal for any situation. Watch. If I wanted to make you happy, I would shake the ring, and... (turns into a unicorn) Grim: Ooh, a blue unicorn. My favorite animal. Hildy: Say I wanted to get the nectar from those plums. I would just shake the ring again and turn into... (turns into a hummingbird) Grim: Hummingbird Hildy. Hildy: (flies and brings a plum over to Grim) Grim: Ew, contaminated. Hildy: (lands on Grim's right shoulder) Say I didn't want you to eat that fruit. I would shake the ring again and turn into... (shakes the ring and turns into a rhino; rhino Hildy is on Grim's shoulders) Grim: Oh, a rhino! (gets squashed) A really big rhino. Hildy: (shakes the ring and turns back to normal) How can I ever, ever thank you? Grim: Well, let me think. (cut to a carnival) Hildy: Really? A carnival? Grim: And no one will recognize us. We're dressed as clowns. (Hildy's nose honks) Hildy: Honk my nose again, Grim, I dare you. Grim: Look at all the funny-fun fun. (camera zooms to Doc) Doc: Hurry, hurry, step right up. Guess how many Jolly Berries are in the jar, and win a prize. Kid 1: One. (Dopey is shown having a lot of Jolly Berries inside his mouth, then ate them all) Doc: We have a winner. (Dopey shakes his head, smiling as Doc hands out the prize) (camera cuts to Happy) Happy: Hit me with a pie, win a prize. Man: I wanna do it. Lady: Give me a pie. Man 2: I'll throw one. Offscreen Voice: I never miss. (Happy keeps getting hit with pies and ends getting hit with a giant one) (camera cuts to Grumpy) Grumpy: Ring toss. Ring toss here. Toss a ring, win a goldfish. Man: Say there, Grumpy. Not all those fishes be goldfishes. Grumpy: What you mean, Cappy? Cappy: Them two in the middle there. They be Jolly-Go-Jumbo fishes. Grumpy: They're tiny. Why are they called Jolly-Go-Jumbo fishes? Cappy: You'll see. ♪ (suspenseful notes played) ♪ Grumpy: You got a little something right there. (Cappy yells) (cut to Queen Delightful and Sir Yipsalot) Delightful: Isn't this fun, Sir Yipsalot? Sir Yipsalot: Yip-yip! Delightful: And it's all for charity to save the Nergandingslinger Nesting Grounds. (the bird chases Starchbottom) Delightful: And to save Lord Starchbottom from the Nergandingslinger. Sir Yipsalot: Yip-yip! Grumpy: Step right up, toss a ring, win a goldfish. Grim: Oh, clowny-kins, I wanna win a fish. Hildy: Fine. Whatever. Just get on with it. Grim: Goody, goody, goody. (camera zooms over to Hildy; a kid comes over and begins to taunt her) Kid 2: Look. Funny clown, funny clown, funny clown. Clown, clown, clown, clown. Do something funny, clown. Hildy: Go away, you little mouse. (accidentally shaking her shape-shifting ring) Kid 2: Uh-oh. (the kid leaves as Hildy becomes a mouse; she loses the ring and it finds its way to Grim) (camera zooms over to Grumpy) Grumpy: Hey, clown, step right up. Toss a ring, win a fish. (Grim finds the shape-shifting ring and picks it up) Grim: Ah, excellent. Here's a ring. Hildy: No. No, no, Grim, no, no, no! No, no, no! No, no, no! Grim: Toss! Hildy: No! (a Jolly-Go-Jumbo fish with a blue ring around his eye swallows the shape-shifting ring) Hildy: No! Grim: I win! Grumpy: No, you clown. You gotta toss one of these big rings around a bowl. Plus, you gotta pay first. You got it wrong at any possible level. Grim: So many rules. (Delightful and Sir Yipsalot walk by) Delightful: I'd like to win a fish, please. Grumpy: Here you go, Your Highness. Delightful: Stand back, Mr. Clown. She's bringin' the heat! (tosses the big ring around a bowl) Grumpy: Winner, winner, chicken dinner. (he hands over the winning bowl to the Queen. A Jolly-Go-Jumbo fish with a red ring around her eye that is next to the prize-winning fish becomes sad) Delightful: Good, good, good, good, good, good, good! Hildy: No, no, no, no, no! Delightful: I'm going to name you "Teensy". Hildy: Grim, we have to stop the Queen. Grim: Is that my conscience talking? You sound a lot like Hildy. You don't tell her stuff, do you? Hildy: Grim, it's me. I'm the mouse on your shoulder. Grim: Oh, look at your head. It's all tiny and furry and what have you. Hildy: Grimmy, you have to stop the Queen. She's got the fish. Follow her. Grim: Don't you worry, mousie-kins. Grimmy'll win us another fish. Hildy: No! The Queen's fish swallowed my ring. If you don't get it back, I'm gonna be stuck a mouse forever. Grim: Don't fret, my pet. I'll get that ring, or my name isn't "Honky the Clown". (cut back to Grumpy; Cappy reappears) Cappy: I better take this other Jolly-Go-Jumbo fish back to the sea before it's too late. Grumpy: Too late for what? Cappy: You'll see. ♪ (suspenseful music plays) ♪ Grumpy: You got a little something right there. Cappy: Oh no, it's still there. I need a tissue! Somebody help me with a tissue! (Cappy yells as he run away and Grumpy looks on at disbelief) (cut to Queen Delightful's castle) Delightful: ♪ It's just a little Teensy swimming in a bowl... ♪ (Teensy suddenly grows) Delightful: Whoa! That's quite a growth spurt, Teensy. LORD STARCHBOTTOM!! Starchbottom: Yes, my Queen? Delightful: Teensy needs a bigger bowl. (Lord Starchbottom brings a bigger bowl, but Teensy doesn't fit in it.) Delightful: Lord Starchbottom, I thought I asked you for a bigger bowl. Starchbottom: Yeah, but I... Okay. (Starchbottom brings over a bigger bowl) Delightful: Bigger bowl. (Starchbottom brings over a bigger bowl) Starchbottom: Here we go. Delightful: Bigger. Starchbottom: How about this? Delightful: Bigger. Starchbottom: All right. Delightful: Bigger still. (Starchy brings in a tub; Teensy still grows) (Starchbottom groans and faints) (cut to the outside of Delightful's castle, and Starchbottom is carrying Teensy) Delightful: Now, my cute little Teensy will have a lonely moat to swim and play and swim in. Starchbottom: We really need to hire more staff around here. There's gotta be a budget somewhere. What are the taxes for? (drops Teensy) Delightful: It's all for you, Teensy. (Teensy squeaks) (the ring goes in Teensy's stomach) (Teensy shakes and turns into several different underwater creatures: a seahorse, a starfish and a puff fish, before changing back to normal) (cut to Grim and Hildy) Grim: The little fish seems to have grown a tad, mousie-kins. Hildy: That will make it easier to reach into his mouth and pull out my ring. Grim: While I watch. Hildy: While you do. Grim: I do do? Hildy: You do do. Grim: (laughs) I made you say "do-do". (camera transitions) Hildy: Waiting. Grim: (laughs) I still can't believe I made you say "do-do". (goes underwater, sees Teensy transform into a squid, an ugly fish and finally an electric eel and gets zapped) (Grim hops back on land and accidentally steps on Hildy) Hildy: (angrily) Grimmy. (cut back to Hildy standing on the edge of the moat) Hildy: Grim, I want you to get my ring out of that fish, even if it turns into... (Teensy appears out of the moat, this time as a catfish) Grim: A huge catfish. Hildy: A what? (catfish swallows her) Grim: (shrieks) I'll save you, Hildy. (Grim goes back underwater) Get me back my Hildy, or I'll... (Teensy transforms again, this time as a shark) Oh, never mind. (gets swallowed by Teensy) (cut inside Teensy) Hildy: Eek! That's my tail! Grim: Rats! You're still a mouse. Hildy: My ring has to be somewhere in this tummy. Now, find it! (cut to Delightful and Sir Yipsalot) Sir Yipsalot: Yip yip yip! Delightful: Yes, yes, you're quite fine, Sir Yipsalot. It is very important not to overfeed your fish. Just a smallest pinch of food. Look at the size of my Teensy. (cut to Teensy and back to Delightful) He's outgrown his moat. I better call The 7D with the Bing-Bong Bell. (Bing-Bong Bell chiming; The 7D come over exclaiming "Heigh-ho!" while Sneezy sneezes) Delightful: Where's Bashful? Bashful: (pops behind her) Hi. Delightful: Oh, hi. Bashful: She can't get enough of me. (makes a sheepish face and smiles) Delightful: (gasps) My Teensy's not so teensy. Doc: I can tell you now, you are dealing with Fishimus largi-mus, commonly known as the Jolly-Go-Jumbo fish. No one knows how big they'll grow. (cut to Grumpy and Happy sitting at the couch) Grumpy: Now, I know what Cappy had been gabbin' about. (Cappy appears from behind the couch) Cappy: Told ya you'd see. Grumpy: Ahem. Cappy: Thank you, thank you. (blows loudly) (Cappy goes back down) Grumpy: Doc told us the Teensy belonged in the sea. Happy: So, he invented just the thing to take him there. (cut to The 7D and Delightful flying) Doc: I call it my Hurdy Gurdy Whirly Birdy. Happy: That sounds like a song. (Song: "Hurdy Gurdy Whirly Birdy Song") ♪ We're in the Hurdy Gurdy Whirly Birdy ♪ ♪ Soarin' through the sky ♪ ♪ Who knew a Jolly-Go-Jumbo fish ♪ ♪ Could ever really fly? ♪ ♪ We'll take him to the ocean blue ♪ ♪ Into the sea he'll drop ♪ Grumpy: ♪ If you don't stop this song right now, ♪ ♪ I'm gonna blow my top! ♪ (song continues playing instrumental, then ends) Grumpy: Lower the net. (cut to Grumpy) Grumpy: Take it up. (the net snags Teensy and is being pulled out of the moat by the Hurdy Gurdy Whirly Birdy on the way to the sea) (cut to the Glooms inside Teensy) Grim: Hildy, you know that whoopsie feeling I get in my tummy sometimes when we fly on our brooms? Hildy: Yeah. But you only get that when we're flying. And it always leads to you... (gasps) No, no, no, Grimwold! (Grim belches) Hildy: Did that really just happen? Grim: Excusez moi. (cut back to the Hurdy Gurdy Whirly Birdy; Teensy still grows) (dwarfs scream) Doc: I don't know how much more weight we can hold. Grumpy: We're nearly over the ocean. Come on, Whirly Birdy, stay in the air. (the rope starts to break) Sleepy: Peepers, the rope is breaking. (the rope finally breaks; Teensy starts to fall) Delightful: Teensy! (Grim and Hildy scream) Happy: He made it! Dwarfs: Hip-hip hooray! Delightful: That's my Teensy. (Teensy squeaks happily. The Jolly-Go-Humbo fish that Teensy left behind at the carnival reappears in the same size as he, and both of them begin to fall in love. Teensy then begins to notice the Glooms are still inside him) Hildy: (inside Teensy, offscreen) How are we going to get out of this smelly, yucky fish? (Teensy spits out Hildy and Grim) Hildy/Grim: Whoa! Hildy: I got my ring. (Hildy shakes the ring and she becomes normal again. But then she loses control of the ring as she and Grim fall into the water) Hildy: My ring! (Hildy's ring sinks below.) Hildy: No! My ring! Dwarfs: The Glooms! Doc: (gasps) Looks like we have ourselves another rescue mission. Sleepy: Do we have to? Sneezy: We have to. Dwarfs: Heigh-ho! (The Hurdy Gurdy Whirly Birdy drops down a personal flotation device to the Glooms; they hopped on and are taken away from the sea) Grim: Help, help, help! Hildy: (disappointed) Saved by The 7D. How humiliating. Grim: I'm getting that whoopsie feeling again. Hildy: Grim! (cut to Grumpy) Grumpy: That is the end of that. (Cappy appears once again) Cappy: Hey, did any other folks win a Jolly-Go-Jumbo before I came along? Grumpy: Yeah, a whole lot of folks. Why? Cappy: You'll see. ♪ (suspenseful music plays) ♪ (We Jolly-Go-Jumbo fishes destroy some of the houses) (episode ends and the Disney Channel version of Heigh Ho: Here We Go Now plays in the end credits)