| - The habit of certain characters to speak in Sublime Rhyme, for no apparent reason, all the time. This does not apply when the character is quoting/reciting, nor when they are rapping or their inner poet is deliberately igniting; only when they are speaking off the top of their head does this trope apply, that's what I said. I don't want to be rude, but must also exclude, literature written entirely in verse, like Shakespeare or Homer or worse. Bonus rewards if you end with words that are usually "unrhymable", like "orange" or "purple"... you nurple! (See?) Examples to trample:
| - The habit of certain characters to speak in Sublime Rhyme, for no apparent reason, all the time. This does not apply when the character is quoting/reciting, nor when they are rapping or their inner poet is deliberately igniting; only when they are speaking off the top of their head does this trope apply, that's what I said. I don't want to be rude, but must also exclude, literature written entirely in verse, like Shakespeare or Homer or worse. A character need not speak in rhyme all the time, but it should happen often enough that excusing it is tough. Also, poetry or rap can be included, if all other modes of expression are precluded. More often than not, I tell you what, a character who Rhymes on a Dime is a supporting character or hovers in the background, safe and sound. Also they tend to follow the trend of Urban influence, young and unsung. Bonus rewards if you end with words that are usually "unrhymable", like "orange" or "purple"... you nurple! (See?) If a person's entire language is based on this trope, then he could be a Strange Syntax Speaking dope. May lead to a Subverted Rhyme Every Occasion. Or Rhyming List, which well, you know... Examples to trample: