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* PARADISE ULTD. . - something tropical. - nu disco/indie dance/deephouse/chillvibes
* Popify.- All Things Pop! The best pop music source around with the latest news and articles
* PD Music Composer for Apps, Games, Videos and More - My Notes Authored by Paul Doolan - composer, keyboardist and performing artist from Newcastle, Australia. Music composer for apps, games, videos and more - Paul is an Experienced Australian composer with clients worldwide.
* [1] PUNK NOT PROFIT//This blog is anti-trend, anti-fashion. It is pro-truth and pro-originality through the sound of individualism. With the hope to expose the masses to the power of honest sound. Discover and support the artists.
* Party Legacies Your one and only source of music. Enhance your music library and get what parties have to offer !
* Pigeon Post New stuff you should be listening to
* Paperslut Is Indie
* Pascal's Country Sounds
* Pastries, Pepper and Canals- a Danish Music blog
* Pedal Steel, Alt-Country Highlighting the pedal steel sound in the best of alt-country and indie folk/rock
* people for the advancement of good music
* people of paper
* Phish & Chips
* Plastic Pint Glasses - UK based music review site
* Play It Again Max
* The Pocket|Trax Index
* Popsheep
* Power Prog Metal Progressive metal, power metal, prog core, melodic metal - I write about the music I likeFrom Symphony X to Kamelot, from Protest The Hero to Royal Hunt, to the best new music around - I review albums and interview bandsFind your next favorite band here - or if you are a band submit now
* [2] Specially remixed songs onto a monthly mixtape - different genre each month from Indie to Disco to Hip Hop, plus photography of local bands and around Northern England
* Pregnant Without Intercourse
* Presidents of the USA / PUSA blog - Fan blog for the Seattle band
* Procrasti-Nation.EU - EU Pop Culture & Music PLUS worldwide Pop Culture & Music from a European Perspective. German Gangster Rap. German Hipster Rap. What else? Travel Bits and Pieces from Around The World, Mostly Prague.
* Psychedelic Sight Music from the first psychedelic age -- 1960s and 1970s hippie music and culture.
* The Punch Table Live, bootleg and album reviews, mostly of modern rock and indiepop.
* Punk Aesthetic Punk music news, reviews, features and opinions focusing primarily on punk, pop-punk, math rock, hardcore and emo bands from well known to local bands.
* Pushing for the Sound Me Likey the Music