| - Shannon mentioned to Sayid that she had dated "the father of Laurent". ("Whatever the Case May Be") Philippe appears in a deleted scene at Shannon's family home in the second season DVD.
- Kategorie:Infobox benötigt thumb|Philippe Philippe ist ein Mitglied der Feinschmecker und der Küchenchef des Ultra-Luxe im Jahre 2281.
- Philippe intentó contratar a Nora como canguro para su hija, pero Nora rechazó el trabajo. Shannon aceptó el trabajo después de que su madrastra le dejara sin el dinero de su padre muerto y de que rechazara dinero que le ofrecía Boone. Es el marido de Dominique y padre de Sophie y Laurent. Philippe aparece en una escena eliminada en su casa junto a su familia mientras eran visitados por Shannon en el DVD de la segunda temporada.
- Philippe was the father of Sophie, and attended her ballet classes. While doing so one day, he struck up a conversation with Nora and requested that she become his au pair.
- Philippe is a White Glove Society member and head chef living at the Ultra-Luxe in 2281.
- Philippe avait essayé d'engager Shannon comme fille au pair. Nora ayant décliné l'offre, c'est finalement Shannon qui en a profité après que sa belle-mère l'ait mise à la porte. Il est le mari de Dominique et le père de Sophie. (Abandonnée)
- Philippe De Chagny is great. So great in fact that Emily created a character- Rebecca to matchmake him with as Madame Giry her mother was already married. Currently Philippe is played by Brit!Sarah and Emily as there is enough to satisfy two sueauthors. Oh yes.
- Private First Class Philippe was a member of the French military. He was involved in the incident at Loire village in 1998.
- Philippe is a character from Beauty and the Beast and its first midquel. He is Belle and Maurice's Belgian draft horse.
- Philippe tentou empregar Nora como seua babá e a tentativa foi recusada. Mais tarde, Shannon aceitou o emprego depois que sua madrasta a cortou da herança do seu falecido pai e dela ter recusado o dinheiro de Boone. Ele é o marido de Dominique e pai de Sophie e Laurent.
- Contact me on my deviantART or YouTube account, or e-mail me at mitchbeawesome@gmail.com This article is written and certified true and correct by the author of the character. The details seen here may be subject to change without prior notice.
- Philippe (フィリ Firipu) es un personaje y protagonista de The Female Spy Ada Lives; también era un miembro de la Fuerza Aérea Francesa como Primera Clase Privada del Equipo Loire Tigre.
- Philippe ist ein wohlhabender Franzose. Er ist mit Dominique verheiratet und hat zwei Kinder, Sophie und Laurent. Philippe macht sich im Balletunterricht seiner Tochter an Shannons Freundin Nora heran und bietet ihr einen Job als Au-pair an, den sie jedoch ablehnt. Shannon nimmt ihn stattdessen an, nachdem ihre Stiefmutter ihr nichts vom Geld ihres verstorbenen Vaters überlässt und sie Boones Angebot, sie finanziell zu unterstützen, abgelehnt hat. („“) Shannon erwähnt Sayid gegenüber, dass der "Kerl in St. Tropez", bei dem sie "eine Weile gewohnt hat", einen Sohn namens Laurent hat. („“)
- Philippe (フィリップ Firippu?) is a fictional character from the Final Fight series, introduced in the game Final Fight 2. He appears as the fourth boss in the game, working for the new incarnation of the Mad Gear Gang.
- [[Immagine:120px-PhilippeandDominique.JPG|300px|left|thumb|Philippe con sua moglie Dominique]]
- Philippe is first seen in the movie taking Maurice to the fair so that Maurice can enter his invention in the fair and make lots of money. On the way Philippe and Maurice become lost in the woods and Maurice takes Philippe down a dark path believing it to be a shortcut but then as Maurice starts to turn Philippe around, Philippe hears the sound of wolves in the distance and becomes frightened causing them to crash into a tree and wake up a swarm of angry bats which frightens Philippe and he runs away scared to the edge of a cliff. Maurice tries to get Philippe to calm down but Philippe frighteningly throws Maurice off of him and runs away scared with some wolves on his trail. When Philippe escapes the wolves he arrives home and finds Belle and she asks him where her father is and tells him
- Peu de gens le savent, mais Philippe est en fait le premier mot dit par le premier homme. Angawaga (c'était le nom du premier homme) dit un jour à sa femme en trouvant un fémur de brebis : mmmmm Philippe.... La véritable explication de cette soudaine poussée de syllabes est encore floue aujourd'hui. Toujours est-il qu'on ne connaît pas précisément l'origine et la définition exacte du nom. Ce qui est sûr en revanche, c'est qu'on le retrouve dans de nombreuses civilisations primitives avec des définitions variées. Le grec a choisi "qui aime les chevaux", alors que le turc a préféré "qui mange avec son sexe". Pour le néo-zélandais ça sera "Pomme de terre vapeur" et pour l'américain "Papa blanc de fils noirs et d'une fille insupportable qui finiront tous dans l'alcool et la drogue" Cf. Philipp
- Philippe is a non-playable character in SaGa Frontier 2 and brother to Gustave XIII. Philippe always blames Gustave for taking his mother from him and her subsequent death in Jade. He resents everything about Gustave and tries to kill him, but when Sophie's latent Anima emerges from Gustave he comes to his senses.
- A mortal, he was a racer on Team Saracen, once the best, he was being forced out by Basil Dornin. When he complained that Dornin had run him off the track, Saracen told him "Two years ago, it would never have happened. You know, Philippe, even champions retire." Phillipe was appalled at the idea of retirement however, and asked Basil to talk to Saracen, put in a good word for him, citing the belief that they were friends, that he had taught Basil everything he knew and that he would not be on the team but for Phillipe. Basil turned his back on him.
- Sir Maurice is staring at a map on the table as one of his men - his military adviser - tells him of news on the battlefield. The adviser tells Maurice that their soldiers have fallen, and Maurice seems distraught, going on to say that ogres are no people. "We have to do something. We have to stop them," another of his men - Sir Gaston - tells him. The sir's daughter, Belle, makes her way over to him and assures her father that the person who has been supposedly fallen in battle, could be on his way at that moment. "It's too late my girl, it's just... too late," her father tells her, tearing up in his throne. They here someone entering the castle and Maurice and Belle get up and investigate, Maurice wonders how he could get past the walls. The two of them walk closer to the door and the ki