About: Construction/Level up table   Sponge Permalink

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  • Construction/Level up table
  • *Ability to raise your Construction level to 5
  • *Required to start Perils of Ice Mountain
  • *Ability to make Teak throne *Ability to make Teak shelves 2 *Ability to make Mahogany eagle lectern *Ability to make Mahogany demon lectern *Ability to make Iron railings *Ability to make Limestone spiral staircase *Ability to make Mahogany pet house *Ability to make Mahogany pet feeder *Ability to construct Polar habitat *Optional requirement for the Varrock Hard Tasks
  • *Ability to make Magic chest *Ability to feed Starved ancient effigies
  • *Ability to make Teak dining table *Ability to make Teak dining bench *Ability to place mounted crawling hands *Ability to hang mounted cockatrice heads *Ability to hang mounted basilisk heads *Ability to hang Small map *Maximum rooms: 21
  • *Ability to make Mithril armour stands *Ability to make Adamant armour stands *Ability to make Rune armour stands *Ability to make Basic decorative armour stands *Ability to make Detailed decorative armour stands *Ability to make Intricate decorative armour stands *Ability to make Profound decorative armour stands
  • *Ability to make Oak dining table *Ability to make Oak dining bench
  • *Skill Mastery *Ability to buy and wear the Construct cape *Ability to make Demonic throne *Ability to make Magic stone cape rack *Maximum rooms: 32
  • *Ability to construct Bedroom *Ability to make Wooden bed *Ability to make Shoe box *Ability to hire Rick *Ability to change the look of walls and interior to whitewashed stone *Ability to change the look of the ground to desert *Ability to change the look of the dungeon to desert dungeon *Required to start The Fremennik Isles and Legacy of Seergaze
  • *Ability to make Fancy teak dresser *Ability to make Teak shelves 1 *Ability to hang Mounted swordfish *Ability to make Cloth covered altar *Ability to make Gilded decoration *Ability to make Thorny hedge *Maximum rooms: 24
  • *Ability to hang Mounted sharks *Ability to plant Tall fancy hedges *Ability to plant Roses *Ability to plant Bluebells *Ability to make Man traps *Ability to hang Square shields *Ability to make Mounted great white shark
  • *Ability to make Marble wardrobe *Ability to make Superior pit trap *Maximum rooms: 31
  • *Ability to make Teak eagle lectern *Ability to make Teak demon lectern *Ability to construct Desert habitat *Ability to make Medium balance *Ability to make Gold candlesticks
  • *Ability to make Gilded mahogany wardrobe *Ability to make Gilded mahogany magic wardrobe *Ability to make Mahogany chest
  • *Ability to make Carved oak table *Ability to make Carved oak bench *Required to start Carnillean Rising
  • *Ability to make Consecrated pet houses *Ability to make Desecrated pet houses *Ability to make Natural pet houses *Maximum rooms: 30
  • *Ability to construct Skill Hall *Ability to make Crafting table 2 *Ability to make Tool store 2 *Ability to make Oak clock *Ability to make farming patch in the start room of Daemonheim *Ability to hire Maid *Required to start Rune Mechanics
  • *Ability to make Greater magic cages *Ability to make Large statuess *Ability to make Stained glass *Ability to make Pit black demon
  • *Ability to make Sink *Ability to make Oak eagle lectern *Ability to make Oak demon lectern *Ability to construct Jungle habitat *Ability to make Amulet of Glory *Ability to make Anti-Dragon Shield *Ability to make Cape of Legends *Required to start A Void Dance
  • *Ability to construct Treasure Room *Ability to make Mahogany wardrobe *Ability to make Gilded altar *Ability to make Garden fence *Ability to make Steel cage *Ability to plant Magic tree *Ability to make Demon *Ability to make Large fountain *Ability to make Wooden crate *Ability to construct an Altar in the start room of Dungeoneering *Ability to change the lighting to dusk *Required to complete Daemonheim Hard Tasks *Required to start Plague's end
  • * Ability to feed Nourished ancient effigies
  • *Ability to make Clay fireplaces
  • *Ability to make Firepit with hook
  • *Ability to make Oak chair
  • *Ability to make Rocking chair
  • *Ability to make Rug
  • *Ability to make Small oven
  • *Ability to make Wooden bookcase
  • *Ability to make Wooden chair
  • *Ability to make Wooden larder
  • *Ability to make Wooden shaving stand
  • *Ability to make Wooden shelves 3
  • *Ability to construct Dining room *Ability to make Wooden dining table *Ability to make Wooden dining bench *Ability to make Pond *Ability to plant Nice tree *Ability to change the look of walls and interior to basic stone *Ability to change the look of the dungeon to smooth stone *Required to start Tower of Life *Required to complete Ardougne Easy Tasks
  • *Ability to make Mahogany toy box *Ability to make Huge spider *Ability to make Small orrery *Ability to hang Kiteshield *Maximum rooms: 29
  • *Ability to make Banner easel *Ability to make Teak treasure chest *Ability to make Crystal of power *Ability to plant Rosemary *Ability to plant Sunflower *Ability to hang Round shield *Ability to make Maps
  • *Ability to construct Dungeons *Ability to construct Dungeon pits *Ability to make Skeleton guard *Ability to make Pit dog *Ability to make Dungeon entrance *Ability to make Oak and steel cage *Ability to make Marble altar *Ability to make Mounted shark *Ability to change the look of the ground to tundra *Required to start The Void Stares Back
  • *Ability to construct Study *Ability to make Teak bed *Ability to make Mahogany bookcase *Ability to make Oak lectern *Ability to make Opulent curtains *Ability to hire Butler *Ability to change the look of walls and interior to tropical wood *Ability to change the look of the ground to mown grass *Ability to change the look of the dungeon to tropical cave *Required to start Spirit of Summer *Required for two tasks in the Varrock hard tasks
  • *Ability to construct Quest Hall *Ability to make Whetstone *Ability to make Teak armchair *Ability to make Tool store 3 *Ability to hang King Arthur portraits *Ability to hang Elena portraits *Ability to hang Giant Dwarf portraits *Required to start Missing My Mummy
  • *Ability to make Firepit with pot *Ability to make Wooden workbench
  • *Ability to make Carved teak bench *Ability to make Tool store 4 *Ability to make Oak fancy dress box *Ability to make Wooden telescope *Ability to make Teak prize chest *Ability to make Weapons rack *Ability to hang Small landscape *Maximum rooms:22 *Required to start Catapult Construction
  • *Ability to make Teak toy box *Ability to make Celestial globe *Ability to plant topiary hedge *Ability to make steel cage *Ability to add oak oubliette ladder *Ability to make oak lever *Ability to make oak trapdoor *Ability to change the look of walls and interior to dark stone *Maximum rooms: 26 *Required to start Love Story
  • *Ability to make Infernal chart *Ability to make Decorative pipe *Ability to make Rocnars *Ability to make Teak chest *Ability to make Major pit trap
  • *Ability to make Teak drawers *Ability to make Carved oak magic wardrobe *Ability to make Combat ring
  • *Ability to make Gilded mahogany throne *Ability to make Gilded mahogany cape rack *Ability to make Balance beam *Ability to make Archery target *Ability to make Posh fountain *Ability to make Boutique prawnbrokers
  • *Ability to make Mahogany table *Ability to make Mahogany bench *Ability to make Teak kitchen table *Ability to make Teak pet feeder *Ability to make Teak pet house
  • *Ability to construct Dining room *Ability to make Wooden dining table *Ability to make Wooden dining bench *Ability to make Pond *Ability to plant Nice tree *Ability to change the look of walls and interior to basic stone *Ability to change the look of the dungeon to smooth stone *Required to start Perils of Ice Mountain and Tower of Life *Required to complete Ardougne Easy Tasks
  • *Ability to make Large oven *Ability to make Oak shaving stand *Ability to make Oak bookcase
  • *Ability to make Steel-framed workbench *Ability to make Teak dresser *Ability to make Oak armour case
  • *Ability to make Mahogany magic wardrobe *Ability to hang mounted King Black Dragon heads *Ability to hang mounted Kalphite Queen heads *Ability to make Teak lever *Ability to make Teak trapdoor *Ability to hang Large map *Ability to make Hobgoblin guard *Ability to make Teak ladder *Ability to make Figurehead
  • *Ability to make Workbench with vice *Ability to make Teak fancy dress box *Maximum rooms: 25 *Required to start The Prisoner of Glouphrie and A Clockwork Syringe
  • *Ability to make Mahogany fancy dress box *Ability to make Scrying pool *Ability to make Marble portal *Ability to make Tall box hedge *Ability to make Tangle vine *Ability to make Spiked cage *Ability to make Kalphite soldier *Ability to make Salvage hunter suit *Maximum rooms: 28
  • *Ability to make Brown rug *Ability to make Torn curtains
  • *Ability to make Pump and drain *Ability to make Beer barrel
  • *Ability to construct Costume Room *Ability to make Fancy range *Ability to make Crafting table 4 *Ability to make Oak magic wardrobe *Ability to hang Mounted sword *Ability to make Crystal ball
  • *Ability to make Asgarnian Ale barrel *Ability to make Curtains
  • *Ability to make Gilded mahogany clock *Ability to make Bone cage *Ability to make Tok-Xil (POH) *Ability to change the lighting to night
  • *Ability to make Wooden kitchen table *Ability to make Cider barrel *Ability to make Wooden shelves 2 *Ability to plant Fern *Ability to plant Reeds *Ability to plant Tall plant *Ability to plant Huge plant
  • *Ability to make Mahogany armour case *Ability to make Marble staircase *Ability to make Baby red dragon *Ability to make Lesser magic cage
  • *Ability to construct Menagerie *Ability to make Oak dresser *Ability to make Elemental balance 1 *Ability to make Teak bell pull *Ability to construct Garden habitat *Ability to make Oak pet feeder *Ability to make Oak pet house
  • *Ability to make Chef's Delight barrel *Ability to make Oak treasure chest *Ability to make Teak staircase *Ability to make Saradomin symbol *Ability to make Zamorak symbol *Ability to make Guthix symbol
  • *Ability to make Workbench with lathe *Ability to make Armillary sphere *Ability to make Flame pit *Ability to construct Volcanic habitat *Ability to make Greater magical balance
  • *Ability to construct Workshop *Ability to make Repair bench *Ability to make Tool store 1 *Ability to make Imp statue *Ability to make Oak tree *Maximum dimensions: 4x4
  • *Ability to make Mahogany dresser *Ability to make Teak armour case *Ability to make Teak telescope *Ability to make Small box hedge *Ability to make Limestone altar *Ability to make Fishing net *Required to start Do No Evil
  • *Ability to make Pluming stand *Ability to make Crafting table 1 *Ability to make Oak decoration *Required to complete Falador Easy Tasks *Required to complete Falador Hard Tasks
  • *Ability to make Oak wardrobe *Ability to make Jester *Ability to make Clay attack stone
  • *Ability to hang mounted kurask heads *Ability to hang mounted abyssal demon heads *Ability to make Medium map *Ability to make Bells
  • *Ability to make Ranging pedestals *Ability to plant Marigolds *Ability to plant Daffodils *Ability to make Picket fences *Ability to make Small fountains *Ability to make Tentacle pools *Ability to make Icon of Bob *Ability to make Minor pit trap *Ability to make Shark jaw
  • *Ability to make Gilded mahogany and marble table *Ability to make Mahogany cape rack *Ability to make Dungeon candles *Ability to make Decorative blood *Ability to make Fancy hedge *Ability to make Spike trap *Ability to make Mermaid hunter suit
  • *Ability to make Stone fireplace *Ability to make Oak larder *Ability to make Cushioned cat basket
  • *Ability to make Skeleton throne *Ability to make Teleport trap *Ability to make Mahogany lever *Ability to make Mahogany trapdoor *Ability to make Mahogany ladder
  • *Ability to make Pump and tub *Ability to make Oak drawers *Ability to make Oak staircase
  • *Ability to make Wooden shelves 1 *Ability to plant Small fern *Ability to plant Thistle *Ability to plant Large leaf bush *Ability to plant Bush
  • *Ability to make Shield easel *Ability to make Globe *Ability to make Mini Obelisk *Ability to make Rune display case *Ability to make Fencing ring
  • *Ability to make Marble attack stones *Ability to make Marble walls *Ability to make Oak chests *Ability to make Pit rock protector *Required to start The Lord of Vampyrium
  • *Ability to make Marble spirals *Ability to make Pit iron dragons *Ability to feed Gorged ancient effigies
  • *Ability to construct Chapel *Ability to make Carved teak table *Ability to make Large teak bed *Ability to make Oak shelves 2 *Ability to make Oak altar *Ability to make Steel torches *Ability to plant Maple trees *Maximum dimensions: 6x6 *Required to start Hunt for Red Raktuber
  • *Ability to make Gilded mahogany bench *Ability to make Oak incense burners *Ability to make Floor decoration
  • *Ability to make Pit ogre *Ability to make Flotsam prawnbrokers
  • *Ability to make Mahogany throne *Ability to make Gilded mahogany dresser *Ability to make Oak door *Ability to make Large trapdoor *Ability to make Guard dog *Ability to make Bait barrel *Maximum rooms: 27
  • *Ability to construct Games room *Ability to make Oak bed *Ability to make Hoop and stick *Ability to make Willow tree *Ability to hire Cook *Ability to change the look of walls and interior to Fremennik-style wood *Ability to change the look of the ground to barren earth *Ability to change the look of the dungeon to mountain mine *Maximum dimensions: 5x5 *Required to start The Great Brain Robbery
  • *Ability to construct Aquarium *Ability to make Marble fireplace *Ability to make Teak cape rack *Ability to make Teak wardrobe *Ability to make Astronomical chart *Ability to make Stone wall *Ability to make Oyster hunter suit *Ability to make Driftwood prawnbrokers
  • *Ability to construct Oubliette *Ability to make Opulent rug *Ability to hang Large Landscapes *Ability to place Gazebo *Ability to add Oak cage *Ability to add Spikes *Ability to add Mahogany incense burners *Ability to construct Greater focus *Ability to construct Mahogany portal *Ability to make Mounted swordfish
  • *Ability to make Carved teak magic wardrobe *Ability to make medium chapel statue *Ability to add organ *Ability to make decorative window *Ability to make marble incense burner *Ability to make twin anchors
  • *Ability to make Treasure hunt *Ability to make Wooden torches *Ability to make Windchimes *Ability to make Small statues *Ability to make Shuttered windows
  • *Ability to make Crafting table 3 *Ability to make Steel range *Ability to make Large oak bed *Ability to make Oak shelves 1 *Ability to make Glove rack *Ability to make Oak prize chest *Required to start Cold War
  • *Ability to make Oak cape rack *Ability to make Upgraded weapons rack *Ability to make Dartboard *Ability to make Elemental sphere *Ability to make Mahogany prize chest
  • *Ability to make Hanging skeleton *Ability to make Skull torches *Ability to make Hellhounds *Ability to make Marble door
  • *Ability to make Teak larder *Ability to make Alchemical chart
  • *Ability to construct Throne Room *Ability to make Oak throne *Ability to make Gilded mahogany four-poster bed *Ability to make Teak magic wardrobe *Ability to make Mahogany altar *Ability to plant Yew tree *Ability to make Posh bell-pull *Ability to make Nice hedge *Maximum dimensions: 7x7 *Required to start Nomad's Requiem
  • *Ability to make Dragon Bitter barrel *Ability to make Teak decorations *Ability to hang Mounted bass
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