| - Plasticity forum is a full one-day conference within Rio+20, designed to inspire, excite, and help move the world to follow the innovative leaders who use plastic in new ways, with new solutions, helping to reduce the impact that plastic has on our environment if full life-cycle options are not implemented. The forum showcased solutions to the issues of plastic waste in our environment, including products that target the front end reduction of plastic consumption, as well as cutting edge recycling, re-use, design, packaging, materials, case studies (from cities, groups and companies), policies, and emerging new technologies. Daniella Russo hosted a panel titled “Front end solutions to the plastic pollution crisis” with a presentation of the issues of plastic pollution. The panelists were Pam Marcus, the founder of Lifefactory; Jeff Toolan, the CEO of Pylantis; Jason Foster, CEO of Replenish and Prof. Ramani Narayan, of Michigan State University – a renowned authority on bioplastics. The overall theme was reducing our plastic footprint before plastic items become waste. We announced the partnership between Plastic Free Campuses and the Plastics Disclosure Project, and we pleased to get the attention of several university campuses in Rio. The project is growing fast and reaching to thousands of new students.