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- Ossus is a Star Wars planet. The above quote is from Canon, but it is the ethos of the location in Second Life also. On Second Life, the Brazos sim hosted a Jedi Praxeum inhabited by the Jedi Guardians of the Peace (formerly known as Jedi Master), and is by some margin the oldest of the current Star Wars locations in the Galaxy, having been founded in May 2006. It was a peaceful community of Jedi who band together to share ideas and to learn from another in a generous spirited manner. Whilst there is some roleplaying in the sim, this is not the main function of about half the sim. The Jedi Guardians of the Peace ceased to operate in June 2009, and the abandoned buildings began to fall into disrepair...
- Ossus was once a training ground for the Jedi Order, and was the location of a vast museum of Jedi artifacts and ancient lore. Return to the Location Database Return to the Main Page.
- [Source] Ossus était une planète où l'Ordre Jedi aurait construit le tout Premier Temple Jedi bien que certains spécialistes Jedi pensaient qu'Ahch-To, Coruscant, Jedha et Tython étaient également des candidates potentielles. À un moment donné, Ossus accueillit la Grande Bibliothèque et un temple dont le sol mosaïque fut transporté jusqu'au Temple Jedi de Coruscant. À l'époque de la Guerre des Clones, la Grande Bibliothèque fut détruite. Les Chroniques de Med'eeth furent récupérées parmi les décombres.
- Ossus was a planet in the Adega system and was considered an important place in the Jedi Order. When the Jedi Temple was abandoned following its decimation by Exar Kun, the Jedi established a secret Temple to guard some of the most dangerous artifacts that they did not want even the most experienced Jedi Masters getting their hands on. This temple was still active during the Clone Wars and the beginning of the Great Jedi Purge. Ossus has several moons, including Kewda. Kapura was born here.
- For full canonical history of Ossus, check here. Everything that follows details the world after the events of 137 ABY.
- Ossus was a planet in the Outer Rim Territories that was affiliated with the Jedi Order. Certain scholars even surmised it was the location of the first Jedi Temple ever built, although Ahch-To, Coruscant, Jedha, and Tython were also candidates. At the very least, Ossus did house the Great Library and a temple at some point, from which a mosaic floor was later salvaged and transported to the Order's newer headquarters on Coruscant. At some point prior to Antron Bach's birth, Ossus fell into ruins. The Chronicles of Med'eeth were salvaged from the remains.
- Ossus was an Outer Rim planet that was home to a famed Jedi academy. That is, until some rabid freak demolished it. Within the Academy resided a great Jedi Library that contained enough history and lore to make Jocasta Nu extremely wet between the legs.
- When the Jedi Order expanded there from the planet Tython and established a Jedi Academy, Ossus would become an important world in the Galactic Republic. The massive data amounts and artifacts there serve as key reminders of Jedi culture and it also serves as a place for Jedi Masters to meditate away from outside influences.
- Ossus oli merkittävä kohde jedeille yli kahdenkymmenenviiden vuosituhannen ajan, toimien tiedon säilytyspaikkana ja opiskelun keskustana vanhan sekä uuden jedisäädyn aikaan. Vanhan Tasavallan viimeisinä vuosina ja sen jälkeen, planeetta oli kotina ysannojen heimolle, jedien jälkeläisille, jotka olivat selvinneet Cronin supernovasta. Planeetta joutui myös sithien hyökkäysten kohteeksi kahdesti, kerran vuonna 3996 BBY ja jälleen vuonna 130 ABY, sekä oli Galaktisen Allianssin vartijoiden miehittämä vuonna 40 ABY.
- Ossus, conosciuto durante l'impero di Xim il Despota come Idux, era il terzo pianeta del sistema Adega nel settore Auril. Noto già nel 25.000 BBY, i Jedi lo scelsero come quartier generale subito dopo il loro trasferimento da Tython. Quando Exar Kun si convertì al lato oscuro della Forza, diventando Signore Oscuro dei Sith, trascinò la galassia nella Grande Guerra Sith e attaccò Ossus, sperando di strappare ai Jedi i segreti Sith nascosti nei loro santuari. L'assalto si concluse in modo disastroso, con l'esplosione del Cluster di Cron e la conseguente distruzione del pianeta, che divenne così arido e inospitale.
- thumb|250px|right|Strona główna Biblioteki Ossus Ossus to planeta znana jako siedziba Biblioteki Ossus Największej Polskiej Encyklopedii Star Wars, tak elitarnej że nawet admini nie mogą jej edytować. Mimo to wciąż notuje wzrost liczby artykułów na poziomie 87% dziennie. W dniu 1.04.2008 r. Biblioteka Ossus połączyła się z Vongopedią tworząc Polską Wookieepedię.
- Certain individuals survived the blast, including several Jedi. Over the passing generations, these people would become more feral, forgetting their heritage and the Force while regarding their abilities from it as magical. They became the Ysanna, Ossus's only native sentience. They, along with the planet, lived in peace with the rest of the galaxy through the Clone Wars between the Republic and Confederacy of Independent Systems, when Ossus primarily became a planet of archaeological importance to the Jedi. Once the Galactic Empire rose to replace the Republic, such studies into the past of the Jedi were halted, however.
- Ossus era el planeta tercero en el sistema Adega del Sector Auril. Siendo un fértil y exuberante mundo, fue arrasado y reducido a un planeta árido y tóxico debido a la destrucción del Cúmulo Cron, aunque más tarde fue restaurado por los terraformadores yuuzhan vong en el Proyecto de Ossus.
- Ossus, originally called Idux, was the third planet in the Adega system in the Auril sector. Originally a rich, lush world, Ossus was ravaged into an arid and toxic planet with the destruction of the Cron Cluster. Life returned to Ossus, however, and by 17 ABY small areas of green could be found across the planet.