| - Bert Copple, (born December 28, 1977) officially entered the race for Michigan's 12th Congressional district on Thursday, March 20, 2008. A resident of Warren, Michigan, the Republican candidate is challenging Democrat Sander Levin in the November 2008 general election. Bert married his wife Stephanie in July of 2004. Their first child, Noah Anthony Reagan, was born in October of 2005 while Bert was deployed to Iraq. The Copples are expecting their second child, Brady Edwin in May of 2008.
| - Bert Copple, (born December 28, 1977) officially entered the race for Michigan's 12th Congressional district on Thursday, March 20, 2008. A resident of Warren, Michigan, the Republican candidate is challenging Democrat Sander Levin in the November 2008 general election. Bert was born in Conneaut, Ohio and raised in Erie, Pennsylvania. He graduated from Strong Vincent High School before attending Gannon University where he earned a B.A. in Communications. During his time at Gannon, Bert worked for the university's newspaper, The Gannon Knight, as the Business Manager and Advertising Director. Bert also worked for the university's radio station, Energy FM 90 - WERG, as a disc jockey, program director, sports director, and promotions director. After graduating from Gannon in 2001, Bert moved to Chicago, Illinois and accepted a position selling media advertising. The events of September 11, 2001 had a profound impact on Bert's life, and it caused him to reevaluate his life. It was through this national tragedy that Bert recommitted his life to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, as documented in his first publsihed book, Drugstore jesus, that was released in December of 2004. Bert's newfound faith led him in a direction to enlist in the United States Army as a Chaplain's Assistant in August of 2002. After completing basic training at Fort Jackson, South Carolina, he was shipped overseas to Seoul, South Korea for his first military assignment with the 25th Transportation Battalion. When this tour was completed, Bert was assigned to the 3rd Squadron, 7th United States Cavalry at Fort Stewart, Georgia. He deployed with the unit to Iraq in January of 2005 for a one year combat tour. When he returned stateside, Bert was honorably discharged in August of 2006. Bert married his wife Stephanie in July of 2004. Their first child, Noah Anthony Reagan, was born in October of 2005 while Bert was deployed to Iraq. The Copples are expecting their second child, Brady Edwin in May of 2008. Upon relocating to Warren, Michigan, Bert secured a job working for Home Instead Senior Care as a community service representative. In this role, he also serves as the Chair of the Oakland County Be A Santa To A Senior Program that works to provide shut-in and low-income seniors with Christmas gifts and companionship during the holidays. He is also the founder of the Working Caregiver Initiative, a workplace education program designed to help working caregivers and employers to make proactive caregiving decisions, effectively lowering absenteeism and supporting caregivers within the work environment. Continuing his education, Bert continues to work on a Masters of Divinity through Liberty University. A licensed minister through the Evangel Association of Churches and Ministries, Bert teamed-up with Senior Pastor Mike Hines to plant a new church in Roseville, Michigan in October of 2006. Serving as the associate pastor of Evangel Ministries International since its inception, Bert continues to preach the Gospel message every other Sunday behind the pulpit. The Committee to Elect Bert Copple was started in February of 2008, and the offical website is www.bertcopple.com.