| - Talphion is een Technomancer en leeft in Kazordoon. Hij wil een klok maken voor de Colossus in de nabije toekomst. Omdat de machines zoveel lawaai maken, hoort hij je slecht.
Wanneer je hem een Screwdriver of Kurik brengt, krijg je een Steampowered Spikesword als beloning.
Onderdeel van The Postman Missions Quest.
- Talphion is a Technomancer that resides in Kazordoon, he wants to create a clock for the Colossus in the near future. Due to the noises the machine of his makes, it's difficult for him to hear you well. For example, if you say "Kazordoon", he responds with "WHAT?", if you say it again, he'll ask "WHO'S DOOMED?" and if you say if a third time, he'll finally understand you.
thumb|a map.
- Talphion is a Technomancer that resides in Kazordoon, he wants to create a clock for the Colossus in the near future. Due to the noises the machine of his makes, it's difficult for him to hear you well. For example, if you say "Kazordoon", he responds with "WHAT?", if you say it again, he'll ask "WHO'S DOOMED?" and if you say if a third time, he'll finally understand you.
thumb|A map.
- His full name is Talphion Sparkbender, son of the Machine, from the Savage Axes.