Kirbraz jest Agori żyjącym na Spherus Magna i członkiem Plemienia Wody.
Categoría:PersonajesCategoría:Agori Kirbraz es un Agori de la Tribu Agua que vive en Spherus Magna.
Kibraz was an Agori of the Water Tribe who worked as a vehicle pilot for his tribe.
Kirbraz on Spherus Magnalla elävä Agori Vesiheimosta. Hän on toinen Kaxium V3:n ohjaajista.
Kirbraz ist ein Wasser-Agori, der in Tajun auf Bara Magna lebt.
Kirbraz ist ein Agori vom Wasser-Stamm, der auf Bara Magna lebt.
Kirbraz was an Agori Vehicle Pilot from the Water Tribe.
Kirbraz was an Agori in the Water Tribe. He became the pilot of the Kaxium V3 by delivering pizzas to random people in the Bionicle world. While be did this, he would attack people who didn't tip him with various different chainsaws. When Berix got fired, Scodonius started stalking Kirbraz and cracking lame jokes about putting his broken foot down. Scodonius bugged Kirbraz so much that he tortured him into letting him ride in the Kaxium V3, where Scodonius totally messed up, crashed, and seriously injured the spines of them both. Kirbraz then was sent to the emergency room to recieve an unessacary liver transplant and to be slapped in the splean. He then ate a gopher and discovered food poisoning.