| - This item can be obtained by smashing Ultra Pinatas during Pinata Bash! Events while wearing a Lucky Pinata Hat. It also regularly drops from the Ultra Pinata when it explodes/ smashed/ broken.
- Pinata is a category of furniture.
- Pinata is the forty-second level of More Bloons.
- The Pinata is a decoration in FarmVille.
- The Pinata is a furniture item that is obtainable via an exclusive secret code from Issue 6 of the Moshi Monsters Magazine, in Moshi Monsters.
- Pinata är en färgglad figur som kan innehålla godis och frukter. Under 2007 när John Sheppards team undersökte en månbas i en asteroid-måne och upptäckte teknologin i månbasen liknande 1960s. När Sheppard berättade att dem skulle låta ett team forskare undersöka månbasen. När McKay berätta han måste ta reda på vad som fanns inuti på samma sätt med julklappar och Pinatas. (ATL: "The Ark")kategori:Jorden kultur
- Pinatas most often look like giant presents but can take other forms too. You can see them at some seasonal events like at the Hello Kitty Birthday Party in November. In the tutorial-area, the Dream Carnival, a pinata is supposed to spawn when you have donated enough items to Anthony. Tthis is not always the case though; and the pinata won't spawn every time anyone reaches a certain amount of donation-points. The donation-points to get a pinata to spawn might differ greatly every day, the pinata just doesn't always spawn but just per chance, or the feature might be bugged.
- The Pinata is a rapid fire missile launcher with a maximum range of 300m. It delivers a huge amount of damage over a very short period of time. Even two fully upgraded Pinata's are dangerous at close range. The Pinata is one of the weapons that is able to penetrate the Écu shield and while the splash damage is not as great as the Pin, it can still damage robots partially behind cover.
- In Viva Pinata, a Pinata is a living, colourful, candy filled container made of paper mache and confetti. A pinata is usually sent to a party in need of an activity and entertainment. A Pinata can be launched from a Cannonata to a party. The Pinatas with the most candiosity are sent to parties to be broken open and have their candy eaten. After the party, the pinata's pieces return to Pinata Central to be put back together by other pinatas. Most Pinatas are named after real life sweets like Sparrowmint instead of Spearmint and Fudgehog instead of Fudge.