| - Urai Fen fue el leal guardaespaldas de Tyber Zann, y el segundo al mando en el Consorcio Zann.
- Urai Fen era la guardia del corpo di Tyber Zann, e secondo in comando nel Consorzio Zann, nonché suo indiscutibile amico, col quale condivise le sue ampie conoscenze nel campo del contrabbando, della pirateria e del combattimento corpo a corpo.
- Urai Fen was a Force-sensitive male Talortai who served as Tyber Zann's loyal bodyguard, lieutenant, friend, and second in command of the Zann Consortium. At some point, he did something that caused IG-88 to owe him a favor.
- Urai Fen byl muž rasy Talortai citlivý na Sílu. Sloužil jako loajální strážce Tyber Zanna, jako poručíku, přítel, a druhý muž ve velení Zannova konsorcia. Kvůli jistému činu mu IG-88 dluží laskavost.
- Urai Fen was a Jedi Master of the New Jedi Order alive during the early part of the Zao tenj War. A Talortai, Fen was able to temporarily disguise himself behind a cloak of reflected light naturally, without assistance from the Force. He was killed by a rogue blaster bolt during the battle of Gnu in 250 ABY.
- Urai Fen war ein Talortai-Verbrecher und die rechte Hand von Tyber Zann, dem Anführer des kriminellen Zann-Konsortiums. Zusammen mi Tyber war er maßgeblich am Aufstieg des Konsortiums beteiligt und ermöglichte, dass Tyber Zugriff auf Imperiale Daten bekam.
- Tyber Zann Second in command, ancient warrior masters in hand to hand combat, also equipped with a cloaking device and sonic stunner.