| - The blood does not directly come in contact with the parenchymal cells and tissues in the body, but constituents of the blood first exit the microvascular exchange blood vessels to become interstitial fluid, which comes into contact with the parenchymal cells of the body. Lymph is the fluid that is formed when interstitial fluid enters the initial lymphatic vessels of the lymphatic system. The lymph is then moved along the lymphatic vessel network by either intrinsic contractions of the lymphatic vessels or by extrinsic compression of the lymphatic vessels via external tissue forces (e.g. the contractions of skeletal muscles. The lymphatic system has three interrelated functions. It is responsible for the removal of interstitial fluid from tissues. It absorbs and transports fatty acids and fats as chyle to the circulatory system. The last function of the lymphatic system is the transport of immune cells to and from the lymph nodes. The lymph transports antigen presenting cells (APCs), such as dendritic cells, to the lymph nodes where an immune response is stimulated. The lymph also carries lymphocytes from the efferent lymphatics exiting the lymph nodes. The study of lymphatic drainage of various organs is important in diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of cancer. The lymphatic system, because of its physical proximity to many tissues of the body, is responsible for carrying cancerous cells between the various parts of the body in a process called metastasis. The intervening lymph nodes can trap the cancer cells. If they are not successful in destroying the cancer cells the nodes may become sites of secondary tumors. Diseases and other problems of the lymphatic system can cause swelling and other symptoms. Problems with the system can impair the body's ability to fight infections.
- The lymphatic system was the bodily system that was made up of the vessels and spaces between the body tissues and the organs. It was composed of the lymphatic fluid and circulated through the body. Triglobulin had similarities to Human lymphatic fluid. (ENT: "Fight or Flight") Regulan bloodworms were useful for cleansing a being's lymphatic system. (ENT: "Doctor's Orders") In 2151, Dr. Phlox discovered that cancer had spread to Nadet's lymphatic system, but cured her with cytolytic injections. (ENT: "Terra Nova") Elim Garak's lymphatic system was damaged in 2370 due to his continual use of his Obsidian Order cranial implant. (DS9: "The Wire") In 2372, after Tom Paris broke the transwarp threshold, his lymphatic system began to collapse. (VOY: "Threshold")