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- Clean guam er en renset Grimy guam. det er den laveste i herben. Du bruke han i herblore skill.
- thumb|left|Die [http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kokos Kokospalme] auf Guam Guam ist die größte Insel der Marianen, gehört aber zu den USA, und liegt im Südwestpazifik.Sie spielt eine kleine Rolle in "Frankenstein und die Monster aus dem All", da einer der steinartigen Minicomputer der Kilaaks, mit welchen sie die irdischen Monster kontrollieren, in einer Kokosnuss auf Guam versteckt ist. Kategorie:Reale Orte
- Guam was discovered by Indo Malaysian fishers who created a genious Kayak called the
- Guam does have a Democratic Party, but no website.
- Although inhabited, Guam became a Spanish possession in 1688. It was taken by the United States during the Spanish-American War in 1898. Guam was occupied by the Japanese in December 1941, and was subject to fierce fighting when American troops recaptured the island in July 1944. It remains a commonwealth of the United States.
- Guam is an organized, unincorporated territory (insular area) of the United States.
- Guam is an island in the western Pacific Ocean and is an organized, unincorporated territory of the United States. It is one of five U.S. territories with an established civilian government. The island's capital is Hagåtña (formerly Agana). Guam is the largest and southernmost of the Mariana Islands.
- Guam is an island in the Western Pacific Ocean with a population of a bit under 200,000. Guam is an organized territory of the United States. Its economy is primarily tourism and military installations.
- Guam (Txamoro: Guåhån), ofisial la Teritorio de Guam, es un insola en la Mar Pasifica ueste e es un teritorio non-organizada non-corpora teritorio de la Statos Unida. Se abitantes es la Txamoros, ci prima preni la insula con popula sirca 3,500 anios ante. El es la plu grande e la plu sude de la Insolas Mariana. La capital es Hagåtña, ante Agana (pronunsiada Agaña). La economia de Guam es xef suportada par turisme (esata de Japan) e bases de la armada de la Statos Unida. La Universia de Guam ia es fundada en 1952.
* Cuantia de popula: 170,000 (2005)
* Area: 549 km²
* Bandera de Guam
- thumb|Flagge von Guam. Guam ist die größte und südlichste Insel des Marianen-Archipels im westpazifischen Ozean. Sie gehört zu den Vereinigten Staaten die Hauptstadt ist Hagåtña, auch bekannt als Agana, bevölkerungsreichste Siedlung allerdings ist Dededo.
- thumb Guam (Terytorium Guamu) – wyspa w południowej części archipelagu Marianów, w Mikronezji, w Oceanii. Guam jest terytorium zależnym od USA.
- The flag of Guam is dark blue with a narrow red border on all sides (border was a later addition). In the center of the flag is an almond shaped emblem, which depicts a proa sailing in Agana Bay near Hagåtña, and "GUAM" colored in red letters. The shape of the emblem recalls the slingshot stones used by the islanders' ancestors. The landform at the back depicts the Puntan Dos Amantes cliff on Guam.
- The main tourist area is around Tumon Bay, which has a number of high-rise hotels and resorts [1] similar to Waikiki Beach with an even larger percentage of Japanese tourists. Cheaper accommodations exist near the airport, especially around the village of Harmon. Be aware that Harmon hotels tend to be on the seedier side since Harmon is a mixed industrial/residential neighborhood. Many of the flights scheduled through Guam to other locations (especially in Asia) often require an overnight layover, so plan ahead. Some hotels offer airport pickup, as taxis can be quite expensive.
- Guam is a very small, tropical island in the Mariana Islands around two thousand miles east of the Philippines. The name 'Guam' comes from an old Chamorro word meaning 'We have everything we need here' or 'We are content with what we have'. Ironically, Guam is a US territory, acquired because the USA wanted more islands (the rest of the Mariana Islands, collectively referred to as the Northern Mariana Islands, are an American commonwealth). Today Guam is used to give the USA more power in the pacific, a third of the island is taken up by US military bases.
- Guam was acquired by Spain in the 1500's and for 400 years the island was mistaken for the Philippines by various aliens on shore leave. Spain's reign lasted until 1898, when America claimed the island as part of the prizes in the Great Cola War of 1898. America won Guam and Imelda Marcos' shoe collection. The Spanish got a case of Rice-a-Roni and Turtle Wax. Recently, the indigenous population has been involved in the continuing battle to have themselves recognized by the United States, although for some reason the mainland STILL thinks of them as Filipinos.
- {| class="eva_box" style="float:right; font-size: 85%; clear:right; width:250px; max-width:250px; margin:0 0 1em 1em" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" |- ! colspan=2 style="font-size:150%; padding:5px;" | Guam |- |- |- | class="eva_box_title" | Location | class="eva_box_data" | Mariana Islands, Pacific Ocean |- | class="eva_box_title" |Continent | class="eva_box_data" | AustraliasiaPacific region |- | class="eva_box_title" | Environment | class="eva_box_data" | Tropical |- |}