| - The founder and chief executive officer of PvP Magazine, Cole Richards is, along with Jade, the grounding center of the main cast, often contrasting with the wild antics of the main cast (though he's been known to go off the reservation himself). Brent's college roommate and best friend since high school, Cole is was the only married member of the main cast. He's also the only one with children. Allegedly based on Richard Stockton, a friend of Scott Kurtz's.
| - The founder and chief executive officer of PvP Magazine, Cole Richards is, along with Jade, the grounding center of the main cast, often contrasting with the wild antics of the main cast (though he's been known to go off the reservation himself). Brent's college roommate and best friend since high school, Cole is was the only married member of the main cast. He's also the only one with children. Allegedly based on Richard Stockton, a friend of Scott Kurtz's.
* Benevolent Boss
* Da Chief
* Happily Married: More or less, for awhile. Not quite so anymore.
* Sadly, he is now divorced, and went through a particularly bad Heroic BSOD at the time.
* Heterosexual Life Partners: With Brent. Cole even consistently lampshades it.
* Moral Dissonance: Intentionally invoked regarding his conflict with Max Powers, where Cole takes their "rivalry" completely out of perspective.
* Nostalgia Filter: Cole and Brent both engage in this, to some extent, but Cole is particularly distanced from modern pop culture, a source of conflict between him and Francis.
* Proud to Be a Geek
* Straight Man: Cole is the only one who consistently insists on actually working on the magazine.
* Team Dad: Takes on this role for the PvP staff. Eventually lampshades this towards Jade, which Brent finds creepy.
* Write Who You Know: Cole is based on a friend of Scott's.