| - When Kal-El was shot into space to save him from Krypton's destruction, his ship collided with an alien satellite that contained a duplication ray that duplicated his ship. This duplicate didn't have any biology, but was an energy force that resembled Kal-El. While Kal-El's ship was found by the Kent family, the duplicate was in turn found by "Wolf" Derek and his wife Bonnie, two notorious mobsters. While Kal-El became Clark Kent, and was raised lovingly and instilled with a positive and law abiding value system, his duplicate was treated as a freak and raised to be a criminal. The Super-Brat would grow up helping the Derrek's gain material wealth and crush their enemies, however Super-Brat would keep his existence a secret until Wolf dictated it was time for the boy to help out when they
- Oliver "Ollie" Orwell was a 6-year-old troublemaker living in an American suburb. Like most kids his age, he was egocentric and impulsive, but he usually meant well. Not that it particularly assured his parents, who had little patience with his tendency to (unintentionally) cause trouble.
| - Oliver "Ollie" Orwell was a 6-year-old troublemaker living in an American suburb. Like most kids his age, he was egocentric and impulsive, but he usually meant well. Not that it particularly assured his parents, who had little patience with his tendency to (unintentionally) cause trouble. Ollie was an ordinary kid until he discovered a tattered cape in his family's attic. When he put it on, he discovered that the cape gave him super-strength, super-speed, flight, telescopic vision and other powers. Normally, that would be enough to qualify one as superhero. But Ollie didn't even think about fighting crime. Instead, he called himself the Super-Brat and used the magic cape to solve everyday problems - helping his parents decorate their home, getting a picnic basket they forgot, etc. Oftentimes, he used his powers in selfish ways. On one occasion, he used them to get a dog he wanted. On another, he used them to torment a group of older boys who wouldn't let him hang out with them. Because Ollie was still too young to understand the consequences of his actions, his well-meaning attempts to do good usually wound up backfiring and his more petty actions wound up causing far more harm than he ever intended.
- When Kal-El was shot into space to save him from Krypton's destruction, his ship collided with an alien satellite that contained a duplication ray that duplicated his ship. This duplicate didn't have any biology, but was an energy force that resembled Kal-El. While Kal-El's ship was found by the Kent family, the duplicate was in turn found by "Wolf" Derek and his wife Bonnie, two notorious mobsters. While Kal-El became Clark Kent, and was raised lovingly and instilled with a positive and law abiding value system, his duplicate was treated as a freak and raised to be a criminal. The Super-Brat would grow up helping the Derrek's gain material wealth and crush their enemies, however Super-Brat would keep his existence a secret until Wolf dictated it was time for the boy to help out when they were in a real jam. This became more apparent when the appearance of the crime fighting Superbaby, and later Superboy made his appearance, the Derrek's would groom Super-Brat to one day be their primary weapon against this potential threat to their growing criminal empire. As a teenager, the duplicate would name himself Super-Bully, and would spend time secretly creating disasters, and unsuccessfully expose Superboy's secret identity to everyone, steal his girlfriend Lana Lang (by posing as Clark), and even trying to take Krypto (by pretending to be Superboy) and failing in all these things. During this time the Super-Bully learned that he was immune to Kryptonite. As an adult, now the embittered Super-Menace, hating Superman for having a loving family and being famed all over the world, Wolfe would send the Super-Menace to finally destroy his hated foe. During the clash, Superman and Super-Menace would learn the truth of his origins, and during the fight Super-Menace would bring down Kryptonite meteors to destroy his foe. However, realizing that he would get no satisfaction from killing Superman, and would never gain any of the things he wanted most of all: loving parents, respect, and recognition, Super-Menace would save Superman's life. Renouncing his criminal life, he would confront the Derrek's and change back into his energy form, killing the Derrek's and himself in the process.